
Article on Stephen Ist Class(Sarvesh)

Dear Friends,

So Last class of Stephan was fantastic class and brings great blessing for all of us. As we learn about the Multiplication so in my Life I have seen many Pastors and Church leaders those who loves their Chairs in the Church and they never tried to use their Church leaders or in other means Church Beleivers. So lord has given us the commandment to all of us in Mark 16:15 that " And then he told them, "Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere." this command is not only for Pastors but its for all who believes in the Lord.

And I have also seen thess Churches that they never grows up and they are still have same number of Beleivers which they had in the Begining and some of them had went to away from Church and the Pastor allwasy blame to other sources but the actual thing is that their is not Fault in another’s things but the main reason for that is the Pastor Which is not using Church Believers.

So We all here to multyply the Kingdom Of God on the earth so I encourage all thsoe who believes in the Christ and that they will stand up and share the Gospel (Goodnews)of Christ from right now don't love your chairs but try to use yours Leaders from the church because the Bible says that in Luke 10:2 He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.

So don't waist your time!



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