
Denise is cold!

So while it was 14+ in Vancouver, it was -14 in Toronto today. That's not too crazy cold, but after Vancouver weather...aaaggghh! And Toronto has about as much snow as Montreal - though I haven't been toboganing(wrong spelling!) yet!
Things in Toronto are pretty good. I surprised my mom with my arrival - it was pretty funny considering she was asleep and thought I was my sister when I woke her up! I then surprised my niece and nephew and that was tons of fun. Things since arriving have been very chill and its SO nice to sleep in!
Yesterday I spent ALL afternoon making and decorating cookies with my friend Kim. Some of them were pretty funky, let me tell you! It was so much fun.
Melissa, have fun with the pies - and remember, baking is nothing like cooking!! If you can be a good cook by the end of the year(that's the plan, remember) than you can totally be a baker by the end of Christmas!! heehee!

Joel, I want to thank you for your reminder. Man, did I need it. I came home thinking that I would be totally fine with keeping up with God, but that hasn't been the case. So a HUGE hug goes to you for the reminder.
Before starting my rations this morning I put in a Harry Connick Jr. Christmas CD. Why? Because I love HCjr! I then proceeded into the sitting room to do my reading.
Looking out at the sunny, snow covered street was so beautiful. As much as I dislike the cold(and it is cold here!), I love the snow! Makes me want to bundle up and make snow angels! But I digress...
It me the the first four songs on the cd to finish my alloted 4 chapters for this morning(well, it was really afternoon - I LOVE sleeping in!). As I finished, I found myself saying "Amen" to the words of song #4. I have heard this album many time before, but this morning my spiritual ears were open where they had been closed before. The words to the song are beautiful and sounded like a prayer going up from HCjr to God. And from me to God.

The Blessed Dawn Of Christmas Day
The blessed dawn of Christmas day
As honestly as children pray
The warmth that melts the eve away
The holiness of alpenglow

I rose to join the glorious morn
Whose calm and slepndor would adorn
The virgin mother's infant born
The blessed dawn of Christmas day

I pray one day my heart will see
The light of God's eternity
And know that Jesus died for me
Now close, my eyes
So I may rise
At blessed dawn of Christmas day.



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