
A very ghetto Christmas

Top ten reasons you know you are having a ghetto Christmas when:

10. Instead of frilly decorative napkins we use toilet paper to wipe our mouths at the table
9. Instead of turkey and all the trimmings we have hummous and tacos.
8. Instead of getting all excited about presents under the tree, you get overly excited about gum in your stocking
7. When offered chips and juice after the holiness meeting you are more concerned about the five cent deposit of the empties than socializing and wishing people a Merry Christmas
6. Instead of stringing popcorn and singing Christmas carols around the tree we baked a cake and sang happy birthday to Jesus.
5. People come knocking on your door wishing you a holy incarnation instead of Merry Christmas
4. Family fight topics are not about whose going to do the dishes but whether or not you are truly being authentic and transparent
3. Instead of a fat man in waking you up trying to get down your chimney, you are startled startled to attention in the War Room by a pair of bottles of coke being lowered to your window on a chain of shoelaces.
2. Instead of roasting chestnuts on an open fire, we salivate while watching the ice melt on the shrimp ring.

And the number one reason you know you are having a ghetto Christmas...

Instead of egg nog to serve, there is only curdled Hazlenut creamer with an Austrailian exclaiming, "Why didn't anyone TELL me that you shouldn't drink curdled coffee?"

We all love you and miss you! Thanks to those who called...

Jacynta, Kath, Mia, Juanito and Tara.


Blogger Holysession said...

I just want you guys to know that I was aching to call you today. I even said that several times. I had no time on my phone card and neither did Kirsten. I'm really sad about that!! But I'm hoping that you've had a fantastic Christmas. I've been thinking of you tons!! I love you!

25/12/05 11:15 p.m.  
Blogger Holysession said...

your list was HIlarious.

i dug it.

i miss the ghetto. it's my home.

26/12/05 8:02 a.m.  
Blogger Holysession said...

that post was



26/12/05 8:02 a.m.  
Blogger Holysession said...

Good one!!

Andrew S

26/12/05 9:51 a.m.  
Blogger KiR said...

Who lowered the coke bottles! That would have been amazing to see. Almost like that time we saw someone throw a mattress from an empress window and as we were looking out a but across the street hit a car...amazing! hahaha

26/12/05 10:07 a.m.  

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