
holy cat farm, batman!

so a few cool things happened recently--

1) the Polancos have a second summer intern (what blessed corps officers they are!). his name is Ian, and he is living with us for a month...i guess that he met the brigade of y'all who came down here (jenea, jill, regan, phil mariot?)--seriously, he's such a fireball, and such a Loveslave. he's gotta come to the war college, revolution session. i wouldn't be surprised if he did...but pray for him, his parents are opposed to the whole idea.

2) i got to do some real pastoral stuff yesterday. josh and i went to this OLD lady's home because she couldn't get out of bed and needed help. in the end, i got to pull a michael collins (change her diaper), and then feed her cats. as you may know, i'm no animal lover (to say the least), but these were-- SEVEN cats that hadn't eaten in a month-- so skinny, with patches of hair missing, and sunken in faces...*shudder*...so gross. i thought they were going to gnaw my leg off before i could find the can opener.
phew. anyway, all in a days work for a Corps officer.

3) josh, ian and i prayed the bible together for the first time. 1 hour. it was ROCKIN'. seriuos-- such unity. and freedom. and passion. we almost couldn't stop. it was wonderful-- hallelujah. more Lord!

anyway-- love you all very much.
i pray for you. you pray for me. :o)



Blogger armybarmy said...

Frank: Man, not only are you doing great stuff (praise the Lord) but you can write (loveSlave... fireball... michael collins... 1 hour...)! That leads me to suggest- blogging, articles, and maybe that short conversation we had last week (if God gives a topic)...


19/5/06 11:21 a.m.  
Blogger Carla said...

NICE Olivia. Going beyond yourself for the diaper and feeding felines! I share your sentiment for cats. I woulda probably just called the SPCA. We're praying for Ian. Let him know.


19/5/06 11:32 a.m.  
Blogger I Believe We Shall Win said...

Both Aurora and Doug have cats. Cats are everywhere!

Fight on sister!

22/5/06 7:16 a.m.  

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