
Two Guys, A Cell, And A Pizza Place

Hello hello hello. London calling baby London Calling. We had 4 new people in cell yesterday. Good stuff. Dan and I are doing chapel like crazy. We're doing 5 chapels this week. Good stuff. Maybe I'll get over my fear of speaking in front of people. So one of our missions is to go to this coffee house and talk to people and invite them to cell. I stopped by there tonight to check on some people, and the lady in charge, who I had never met before, told me that Dan and I were welcome to come, but we couldn't invite people to a "bible study" and wqe couldn't talk about religion. So I guess Dan and I are just going to have to talk about our best friend and invite people to lunch at our friends house, with conversation afterwards from now on. ;-) So after I stopped by there I walked across the street to Pizza Pizza and the guy at the counter asked me if I was from out of town. I guess he could tell by my accent. I told him I was here with The Salvation Army for 3 months, and he smiled and told me he met Dan and Jenn yesterday and they invited him to cell, but he didn't have the address, so I gave it to him. He seems like a great guy.
So there you go. Love you guys. Be blessed and keep up the good work.


Blogger Denise said...

PTL! That's great, Philip! Mmmm...PizzaPizza...I want some! =)

25/5/06 11:36 a.m.  

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