
The 1-4 in Bangor

Denise is sick today. Doug's fighting illness as well. Prayer's for health would be appreciated.

So how many people fasted and prayed for the girls back in Vancouver yesterday? We did here in Bangor!

Vancouver team-
What was the fruit? How has God responded to our prayers and fasting? Have your needs been met, or should we continue to pray and fast?

We had our first band practice last night. My lip is so incredibly weak it's not even remotely funny. Just very very sad. Plus I couldn't remember my positions, so it took me a while to pick up on that. When I finally did, my lips were too tired to play well. To make matters far better, I'm the only trombone in the band! Good times, good times.

We'll keep fighting strong here if you keep fighting there! Deal?

Let's overcome him by the blood of the Lamb and through the word of our testimony, and by not loving our own lives, even if we must die for Him!

All glory and praise be to the only one Good Lord!



Blogger Holysession said...

Deal. Prayer & fasting does work! *We now know who is was so the police can do something about it. *Jill, Ashley and I have totally been blessed by the commuity standing along side us, and buy all of your prayers of course. *Jlls mom os comeing this weekend to be with her. *Ahsley is going home for fourth of July weekend. *I'm savend and free!!!! - MJ

25/5/06 11:31 a.m.  
Blogger Sarvesh said...

Joel, As I heard on Same night when I chated with Jenea and talk with our Friends in Van. on the phone that same nigh they seen all their stuffs and also The Recre8 went so good that same in So yeah We got Victory over power on Enemy. PTL! I love you and Miss You.


25/5/06 7:11 p.m.  

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