
Big Mac Attack

Hey guys,
Can you guys pray for the teens here...
There is some real spiritual warfare here...
I prayed for them this morning and I know things are going to get crazyhard in a little bit.
I have started a small discipleship group on Tuesday nights, can you guys pray for that specifically?? That they would be open and feel free to talk.
Keep praying for the outpost too, things are really good, lots of Favour (Favor) so far, pray for more.
We need some deliverance and stuff too, so pray for that. (the kids I mean)
Other than that I feel like God is about to lay the smackdown on the Devil soon...
I wanna be there to see it, should be exciting.
Anyways thanks for the prayer so far.
Pray for Beracah's visa extension too, favour (favor) for that.
Bless you guys, Miss you.
Plans, hope, future.
Andy Mac


Blogger Sarvesh said...

Dude Miss You.

How are you?

Go and get Victory in Victoria in Jesus Name!


21/5/06 10:23 p.m.  

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