

Yesterday Kirsty and I met with the CO's of Sydney Congress Hall, the corps in the city of Sydney. We spoke about a number of things including being involved in their ministries to street people(within what would probably be the poorest area in Australia), particually the Australian Aboriginal people. They are wanting to become much more mission focused to help win this area for Jesus. Hallelujah!

We are a little unsure. I heard some bad news yesterday about work and definately have no desire to return to that place.

We are hoping to go to Sydney soon to check out what is happening there.

Can you guys please pray for us at the moment? We see this as a possability however want to make sure it is YHWH's plan for us. Thanks. We would love to hear of any words/pictures you may get for us!

Love you all!


Blogger Denise said...

Praying! I have lots of time at work to do so!! =)
Sent you an e-mail as well.

Love you, Stringers!

Oh, and little stringer is doing well! haha! ;)

4/9/06 2:34 p.m.  
Blogger I Believe We Shall Win said...

God's plan for you isn't obvious. He says "Look around and find what I have for you." The picture I had was you looking, kind of like hide and go seek or like an Easter egg hunt, trying to find where/what He had in store. Does that make sense?

I'm glad you guys updated. I was seriously just thinking "I wonder how the Stringers are?" and then I you updated! Glory to God!

Bless you two! May every step you take land in the pure light of God. May He truly illumine every direction He has in store for you and may you ever see His glorious face before you. Amen.

6/9/06 10:16 p.m.  

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