
Keep on Keeping on

A word from the LORD.

i already shared this with matthew and kath, thinking it was just for them but now i believe that this may be for everybody.

this is a dream i had a couple nights ago:

it was the last two weeks of war college and we were all back in vancouver. one day we were having a team challenge type game and i think we were split up by our hotel groups. at one point i was walking down a stairway and ran into a distraught kath. she was very upset and crying and informed me that matthew had quit the war college over some stupid 'two-year old' thing.

this is the word i got the next morning while praying about it:

keep on keeping on. whatever you're going through shall soon pass.

i thought it was for matthew at first, but then realized it was probably for kath as well or instead. i sent the word to the both of them, with God's permission, seeing how i'm not supposed to be e-mailing or blogging, but now feel it in my spirit that everyone will benefit from this word.

so . . .

keep on keeping on. whatever you're going through shall soon pass.

i love and miss you all.


after thought: i just got another word. i think there was something significant about the hotel groups and/or squad groups. so, if i'm hearing correctly, we need to focus in on prayer for each other. pray for your hotel and/or squad group specifically.


Blogger Holysession said...

the dream is irrelevent. God gives me a dream and then gives me a word for someone. in this case, the dream is irrelevent and it is the word that is the focus.



10/7/06 6:00 p.m.  
Blogger Holysession said...

no . . . thank you!


11/7/06 1:15 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.

21/7/06 12:55 p.m.  

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