
a week of lasts

This is my last week in Vancouver and I've been going through all the last day things.

On Monday I did my last War Room shift-it was alright.

Today I did my last PTB-although I haven't been able to go regularly since September.

This afternoon will be my last cell, tomorrow will be my last kneedrill and on Friday my last ReCre8.

I am not sure what to think of all this. My thoughts are everywhere and nowhere all at the same time. Its a weird spot to be in.

The Revolution Session have been great. They have been supportive and have allowed me into their space with no questions asked(usually!). I am blessed to have had the opportunity to spend these past few months with them and I look forward to seeing who ever gets to come to Bangor for the summer!

It has also been great to be with our own session mates - Olivia, Crystal(my girlies!), Kir, Juan(my luvitos!),Jenea(who just got back, so its sad that I'm leaving), Jacynth, Kath...I'm missing someone...Joe! How could I forget Joseph?! Sorry, my friend. It has been a joy to watch each of you be able to work out your giftings and have them be useful to life around you. PTL for each of you.

Good grief, I'm getting teary writing this!

Anyway, its a week of lasts. I'm happy and sad all at the same time.

What am I really trying to say in all of these words?!?! I have NO FREAKIN' CLUE!

I do know that I love you all and ask that you will continue to pray for me. This time in Bangor is going to be trying. Not the work, but personally. I will be alone and am trying not to think too much into that right now, but its in the back of my mind. It has been recommended by Joe West that I take up a hobby!!! The thought of that makes me chuckle...can you see me knitting, or scrapbooking?! LOL.

This is getting very long and random. I am procrastinating packing! It really is time to stop typing!



Blogger Victory of the People said...

oh man.
blessings in a plenty to you.
i remember those lasts well.
blesings blessings blessings

14/12/06 12:20 a.m.  
Blogger Holysession said...

Love you Denise...
Gonna miss you, you're truly an inspirational woman of God!!
Your Brother

15/12/06 5:36 p.m.  
Blogger Roro said...

cheer up! you get to see me in just a matter of days!!!

15/12/06 8:11 p.m.  
Blogger bec said...

May God bless you immensley Denise. I can see how much He is going to use you in what I have seen of you in the last couple of months. Know that He is faithful, that His plans are perfect, and that He is the One who holds you in the palm of His hand.

19/12/06 12:32 p.m.  
Blogger Kath said...

i so can't see you knitting or scrapbooking.. join a volly ball team. you'd love it. you'll be find, take it one day at a time.

25/12/06 8:06 p.m.  

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