
Prayed for you

As I was driving back to Vernon on Tuesday (I had five hours with just me and the road) I spent a good amount of time praying for each of you guys - my session mates whom I love.
A very very brief description of what I prayed...
Andrew - to continue to grow as a valiant warrior.
Kirsty - to continue to grow in wisdom, discernment and intimacy with Jesus.
Anthony - Influence and vision
Andrea - Full healing, even bigger heart for the lost
Phil - Walk, live and fight in the fullness of freedom and victory
Crystal - to be blessed until she bursts! (I think Jesus knows it's a figure of speech)
Katie - Smooth transitions and peace about the fall
Denise - Wisdom, love, fullness of identity in Christ
Olivia - Strength, passion and direction
Andy - Grace and love, power
Dan - FAITH, trust, hope, love
Kath - To be guided by the TRUTH and the Holy Spirit
Joe - Inner strength, full salvation for his family
Matt - Good health, direction
Jacynta - Growing in wisdom, submission, leadership
Roro - Drink full of the living water, growth, hunger for Jesus
Joel - Deeply rooted in love and compassion
Craig - Moved into action for the next season of his life,
Joshua - POWER
Ashley - Strength, stepping out, courage
Melissa - Wisdom, courage, encouragement
Jenea - Good ears to hear Yahweh, submissive heart
Kir - (yes, I prayed for myself too) Purity in thought, word, motivation and deed, deeper love for my neighbours, more trust in Jesus for my future.

Now, this was just a brief synopsis. I prayed more extensively.
I pray that they were timely and a blessing.


Blogger Denise said...

Thanks, Kirsten. Timely...yes timely is a good word ;)

27/7/06 4:59 p.m.  
Blogger Andrew said...

Thank you Kir. We love you sister!
Andrew & Kirsty

27/7/06 9:28 p.m.  
Blogger Holysession said...

Can i just say i feel so uplifter and encouraged when I find out people pray for me, thankyou kirsten so much!

Crystal quote - I'm just really sorry kirsten because I ahven't been reading your updates or praying for you! LOL You remeber.

Ok now reading over that it may portray crystal badly but it was just another classic crystal moment of cuteness, in front of Danielle as well which made it even funnier!

Anywayss I love you

Love J

28/7/06 1:25 a.m.  
Blogger Sarvesh said...

Thanks KIR!

Love ya and Miss Ya.


28/7/06 2:59 p.m.  
Blogger Roro said...

um . . . yes! more HUNGER! God has been revealing to me what it means to hunger after Him and i definitly have been very hungry and super thirsty for Him.

and 'the living water' has been a theme this summer since my first open-air here. God has also shown me a lot of confirmation and how the Spirit works. even this is just one little, but HUGE way!

thanks kirsten for being obedient and blessing me beyong measure!!

keep up the good work! i love you sister! and can't wait to have another 'bonus blessing'!! haha

28/7/06 7:59 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.

17/8/06 11:55 p.m.  

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