
Magnet powered car engine anyone?

Just because everyone loves to be encouraged. It set off my day reading emails from Danielle and Kirsten, that encouraged me, that I wanna pass it it on. I also got my tax rebate today: money!

Melissa: How God's hand grabbed hold of you. Estounding. Incomparible to b4.
Jill: Fighting on a new front. Fighting for the same cause. Run hard.
Crystal Ann Myers: STELLA. Top notch.
Jacynta: Hugs, BIG hugs. Strength. Reeespect. You know
Matt: Your dad is crazy. Like father like son. Magnet powered car engine anyone? U will be a Light in the darkness bruv.
Joel: The Boyd trademark: One hand punching the air with his bible. h'UGE. Ever-inspiring. Very
JOe: Your vocabulary spices up my life. And i will kick your soccer butt. Honesty & Truth.
Roro: Sunflower in the valley's shadow. You will stand up and stand out!
Andrew: Solid as a rock. Ah ha! Big respect.
Kirsty: Faithful firecracker. It's burning this summer I feel it. Your heart is flames.
Phil: Haircut. Making it happen. Increasing.
Ash: Cash. Strong and gentle. Top Banana.
Joshua: Tandoori hot prophet
Juanito: Christian con salsa. Deep well.
Jenea: Ever-increasing. You soften the hardest of hearts. Big love.
Craig: Next General? Let the good times roll.
Denise: Understood. Giver. On my hit list for hugs.
Olivia: Visionary. They will follow. Nuff said
Andy: LEGEND status. My hero. You have my vote. Penalty questionable. I'm undecided.
Kath: If u could show love to everyone in the world in a day, you would. Much love to give. Servant.
Katie: Delicate livewire. The angels wait in anticipation to see what God does next.
Kirsten: A very deep well. Class.
Anthony: Protector. Friend
Andrea: Voice. Big voice. Special message to give.

My brothers and sisters in the holy sesh. Bananarama baby. Dan

I like cereal straight after the milk is poured. Crucial.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i only like cereal straight after the milk is poured if it's frosted mini wheats...cause you have to rush to eat them before the frosting goes away.

Other then that, maybe a minute after.

Thanks for the encouragement

28/6/06 1:06 a.m.  
Blogger I Believe We Shall Win said...

I would love a magnet powered car engine, especially if it was installed into a magnet powered car!

30/6/06 12:13 p.m.  
Blogger Denise said...

You'll all be happy to know that I did get my hug from dan - last night! ;)

1/7/06 7:07 p.m.  

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