
Prayer request

Hi guy. I trust all is well.

I have a prayer request for you. Lately I have been tempted a lot about returning to Australia after war college and going back to my old life of comfort. I am still a police officer which is a good paying job. We have a house, car and all that stuff still. The enemy has been feeding a whole stack of lies about all this. I know his lies are just crap but it's still a temptation. Please pray against this as it is not within the plan the Lord has for us.



Blogger Sarvesh said...


You are always in my prayer.

After reading your post the one comes to mind which is whatever you will bind on earth that shall also bind in the heaven too. So Just stand gainst the temptation and ask to leave and that will be.


Yours Goligoush

6/6/06 4:25 p.m.  
Blogger Bell said...


6/6/06 5:41 p.m.  
Blogger sixonefour said...

Hey Andrew - that rocks! Praise the Lord! Your adversary will always try to get his kicks in on ya when the Lord is moving in hard-core...so seriously, move to the defensive on this one.

Get up. Get UP! Stand UP! Attack mode! Get out your battle-ax - did you know that you had one of those? I see you with it in the Spirit, swinging it around your head like a crazy drunken warrior (Suddenly the Lord was up on his feet like someone roused from deep sleep,shouting like a drunken warrior. He hit his enemies hard, sent them running, yelping, not daring to look back." Ps. 78;65 msg) but you are also shifting it from hand to hand deftly, prepared for the hand to hand combat that's coming your way. God's trained you up to deal with this kind of garbage from satan already. Meditate on His faithfulness. Testify to others about how He's come through in the past.

Here's the deal, you already know what God's told you about going back home and all that jazz. You also know where your weak spots are. Don't leave the enemy room to move! Where is Truth?

CLING to Him. Grasp Him firmly. Lean on Him, not on your own feeble, screwed up understanding. So, RISE UP. Take AUTHORITY LawMan and rebuke the devil don't let him get a foothold, for real.

Oh, and get your wife to pray for you. Right now she's got a better view of the battlefield than you.


9/6/06 12:07 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We prayed for this in pray the bible on Monday. A few others have been feeling this too. Love you!


14/6/06 7:30 p.m.  

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