
Update and some NEWS (KiR)

Hey guys,
I've seen or spoken to a lot of you, so that's why I haven't posted much, but for the greater good of the session I thought that I'd write something. I have been blessed to read reports of some people who I had not heard from in a while. Praise the LORD!
A bit of an update of what I'm doing...
My life will be a bit crazy this semester. I am still working at Starbucks (20-25 h/week) and I am still doing squad, ExPRO, cell, Nightlights, SA201, Cell leaders cell, accountability...you get the point. BUT I've also started to go back to school. So I am at SFU 4 times a week. Woohoo! Going to finish up my degree. So hopefully that will all be good and done for in three little months.
So I am pulling 92 hour weeks, but it is JUST for this season. Praise the LORD!
I love and miss you all. Send me pictures! It's one of my love languages.
Honestly. I'll pay for the postage, just send me photos of your lovely selves.

Okay...now for the big guns... This was a HUGE shocker for me, but maybe not so much for you...
I've decided to be enrolled as a Salvation Army soldier. It's crazy, I know.
Please pray for me because I still have so many fears, and questions, but Jesus told me "The Battle has already begun" and that he wants to me to enroll. So right now it's just an obedience thing. Please pray for excitment to bubble up. If anyone has any words of wisdom or advice I am very much open to receiving it.
Grace you guys! Much love,


Blogger Andrew said...

Holy cow! Kir's becoming a soldier. Hallelujah! Thanks for the update, hopefully I will send one in one day....
Love you mate

16/1/07 2:14 p.m.  
Blogger Roro said...

WoW! this is HUGE and quite exciting and a bit of an encouragement.

word of advice: really know what you're signing up for. it's covenant. something i need to look back into as well. something i didn't take too seriously to begin with, just followed Gods command. that was a good thing and it's great you're hearing well and being obedient. and i'm sure you're in a great place to find out what it's really all about! keep up the fight kir, you are an example and encouragement to me. thank you!

16/1/07 6:55 p.m.  
Blogger a castle said...

PRAISE JESUS! That is freakin awesome! When I got signed up, my life went crazy afterwards so expect some hardcore warfare.


16/1/07 9:15 p.m.  

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