
One Picture

Alright, I cave.
I'll give you one photo. There will be more once I know that Joel and Kim have seen them. Enjoy!


Joel & Kim wedding....

1st of all, congrats Joel & Kim!

For the rest of us, I was wondering if anyone who went had any pics or a report they can post about Joel & Kims wedding? We are bummed we couldn't come and want to hear how it went......


U.F.C. - Ultimate Fighting Championship

So, with UFC being broadcast recently, there have been some discussion about pairing off for some good fights.
I thought I would open the discussion.
Topic no. 1 - Teachers of the War College
Who do you think would be a good fight for

a) Steve Court
b) Mike Collins and
c)Danielle Strickland

My vote for the upcoming 614 UFC...
Steve v. Donnie
Mike v. Rob Dolby
Danielle v. Melinda

Cast your votes. Now I should mention - this isn't to say who you think would WIN, just who would make a good fight to watch. Because, remember - pride comes before the fall :P


Happy Resurrection Day!
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