
New Nick Name

Thanks to Steve, and a BTI listening prayer, I have a new nick name...Smurfette...we'll see how it sticks. You know how Steve is with his nick name game!

Don't worry...the other smurf is Jesus!


holiness...the continual discussion

"We have to end this mentality that we exist on a spectrum with one extremity being idolatry and the other slander. Trying to find the balance between two carnal options is not holiness!"
Its a good point. Attempting to find a compromise between idolatry or slander will only result in something akin to ambivalent blasphemy, which is certainly not an answer.

thought this was a stellar quote from Anthony Castle's blog, said by Rowan (his brother) in regards to Booth bashing/worship.
figured it was worth sharing.


prayer request

ok i should really know how to spell holy by now- but it just tock me 5-10min to sign in to blog becacue i was spilling our session name wrong. it almost made me give up on the whole process.

just a quick prayer request- don't want to go into details here- may do so in weekly update. Been an interesting couple of days- lots of war fair, mainly spirtis of dispair, death, hopleness.. they've been effecting me a bit. My faith is really being tested as well as my belife in spirital warfare- which has made it more challenging to fight. - pray that i will trust and belive that there is hope and future. Pray that i'd know how to love (had a slight issue with rage yesterday as i wanted to through something at one of the girls, PTL that he has given as self control) Also pray that i'd have revelation of what is true and what is lies and of how to fight and stand as i've been stuggling with lots of lies and condemnation and its been really parlizing, and causeing me to secnded guss everything i do and i've been getting lots of condry advice and oppions and i'm not sure what i belive any more. and i really don't have a gage of how i'm doing, due to all the lies and condemnation and fear- which of course i know aren't from God.
But if you could pray for the house, for peace, wisdom, unity and direction and hope. Pray for Elizabeth and me- were the only ones at the house now.
OK not sure if any of the above makes sence drop me a line if it doen't


Time to come clean...

Ok...so, guys for those that don't know...I spent the last two weeks being tested for HIV, Hep C and another blood disease. (It's big and has a long name.)
Two thirds of those test results came back negative. (Praise the Lord.)
So I can officially say:
HIV: negative
Hep C: negative
other weird blood disease: pending
I wasn't gonna blog this but then I realized that some people knew and some people didn't and I didn't know who knew versus who didn't...so yeah...Praise the Lord for His faithfulness.
(I was being tested for stepping on a needle in September...remember?)

Your Views!

Hey Guys,

Me and Matthew are going to write a Book called "Reincarnation and Homosexuality."

If you guys have any views you can E-mail us.




(Ps. he got some of the information wrong...check out the comment section for my thoughts...remember we talked about this on the phone Joshua!
-Champ out.)


Magnet powered car engine anyone?

Just because everyone loves to be encouraged. It set off my day reading emails from Danielle and Kirsten, that encouraged me, that I wanna pass it it on. I also got my tax rebate today: money!

Melissa: How God's hand grabbed hold of you. Estounding. Incomparible to b4.
Jill: Fighting on a new front. Fighting for the same cause. Run hard.
Crystal Ann Myers: STELLA. Top notch.
Jacynta: Hugs, BIG hugs. Strength. Reeespect. You know
Matt: Your dad is crazy. Like father like son. Magnet powered car engine anyone? U will be a Light in the darkness bruv.
Joel: The Boyd trademark: One hand punching the air with his bible. h'UGE. Ever-inspiring. Very
JOe: Your vocabulary spices up my life. And i will kick your soccer butt. Honesty & Truth.
Roro: Sunflower in the valley's shadow. You will stand up and stand out!
Andrew: Solid as a rock. Ah ha! Big respect.
Kirsty: Faithful firecracker. It's burning this summer I feel it. Your heart is flames.
Phil: Haircut. Making it happen. Increasing.
Ash: Cash. Strong and gentle. Top Banana.
Joshua: Tandoori hot prophet
Juanito: Christian con salsa. Deep well.
Jenea: Ever-increasing. You soften the hardest of hearts. Big love.
Craig: Next General? Let the good times roll.
Denise: Understood. Giver. On my hit list for hugs.
Olivia: Visionary. They will follow. Nuff said
Andy: LEGEND status. My hero. You have my vote. Penalty questionable. I'm undecided.
Kath: If u could show love to everyone in the world in a day, you would. Much love to give. Servant.
Katie: Delicate livewire. The angels wait in anticipation to see what God does next.
Kirsten: A very deep well. Class.
Anthony: Protector. Friend
Andrea: Voice. Big voice. Special message to give.

My brothers and sisters in the holy sesh. Bananarama baby. Dan

I like cereal straight after the milk is poured. Crucial.

The Encouragement Snowball fight has begun!

Joe - way to go in initiating this. Who doesn't like to be encouraged???Honestly????

Denise – Man, I miss those funny in between moments when we catch each other’s eyes and nobody else knows why we are laughing. Haha. You are full of wisdom and are more beautiful than diamonds.
Olivia – Warrior Bride. Fully.
Crystal – My little Crystal Myers. You’ve got the Mother Spirit of God in you. I miss your loving. My quote book is barren when you aren’t around!!!
Katie – I pray more FIRE for you! Keep going with those divine appointments. The Spirit is all over you. Run, run, run with Jesus.

Dan – You are so loyal to those you love – Jesus, your family, friends. It blows me away.
Andy – Mac, you are an animal. Fight hard for the King.

Kath – You serve with the heart of Jesus. It was truly an honour being your roommate. You are such a blessing.
Roro – I see you as a fresh flower growing in the dessert. Fresh grace and beauty.
Jacynta – “Dancers who dance upon injustice” - do you think it’s confirmation. Heehee.
Matt – You love people well. From Adam to Helmuth to whoever. It shines forth like stars on a dark night.
Joe – The Boochinator. So gangster. You are hardcore dedicated to everything you put your mind to. Rockalisicous.

Kirsty – You are precious to me – how much more to Jesus?
Andrew – You model integrity, and endurance
Anthony – You are a hybrid of Jesus and Batman
Andrea – The Fruits of Peace and Gentleness are so rich in you
Phil – The cheese man (haha – you know what I mean, but nobody else does!) I am proud of you Phil. Keep going. Keep taking risks. Keep trusting… “of course”

Ashley – My beautiful Ashley. Come here and give me a hug why don’tcha. I pray that you would see yourself through the eyes of Christ. He is crazy in love with you.
Jill – I see you like a doe (a deer, a female deer) running to the water of life – keep going, sister!
Melissa – The intercessor. I am so proud of you. Honestly. You are the little sister I never had.
Jenea – Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. Keep singing new songs to the Lord of Lords.

Joel- You fight for righteousness and holiness like a Ninja Turtle fights Shredder.
Craig – You let the Peace of God rule in your heart. May it dissipate wherever you go.
Joshua – Love you, bro. I pray that every step you take with the authority of Christ would make the Enemy tremble. You have the power within you.
Juanito – My Juanitos. My blazer buddy. You are freakin’ awesome. Keep spreading the love of Jesus. You’re good at it :P

Shout of to all the leaders in the 614 community. You are such examples to us. I am humbled to be able to serve along side you guys. Such strong oaks. You wow us all. No exceptions. Thanks for being Jesus to us.


Oh Man!!!!

So, Joe West, i really just love you a lot. And i love your face and miss it! but i love all of you as well...not just your face...i'll stop there!

Today, i did something that i never thought i would ever do in my whole life...i jumped in the ocean in freezing cold weather and swam out to a floating dock. IT WAS AMAZING!!! It was so shockingly cold at first that i thought i was going to stop breathing...but after the initial shock, i just started swimming. And it was right at sunset to so it was just gorgeous. When i got out to the floating dock, i felt so much peace. I just wanted to praise God with song right in the middle of the ocean on a floating piece of wood. Then, i looked at the city for a while. and for some reason it reminded me of everyone. So, i thanked Jesus for every one of you. You all brought me a lot of joy tonight without even being here!


(sorry joe...gonna copy you a little bit)

Melissa - I love making shadow puppets with you!
Jenea - I love laying down in the middle of the street with you!
Jill - Red Robin and American ketchup!
Juanito - You just make me happy. Thanks for the friendship.
Joel - I love how you care so much for everyone of us. I have definitly felt it!
Joshua - You have got the Power of Christ in you kiddo!!!
Joe - you have an amazing heart as well (and you rock out like crazy with Jesus!)
Matthew - i love how almost anything you listen to on your headphones i either own or will eventually like. thanks for your friendship as well.

Kirsten - Tubing. Feet. I love you through it all!
Kath - you truly care for others. And you bring sunshine to my heart!
Jacynta - It never fails that i have a good laugh when i am with you!
RoRo - I'll never forget your car on the side of the highway and trying to get someone to pull over! thanks for the laughs,
Phil - You've helped me through this year even before it began. And even when i was just being plain stubborn you stuck by me. thanks
Anthony - You really inspire me. And i am sorry that i never really got to know you well.
Andrea - I love carpet. I love Lamp. I love Andrea and her peace.
Andrew - your patience is incredible.
Kirsty - Your dedication is incredible
Olivia - You are a hallelujah Lassie in modern day form
Denise - you are like a big sister to me. Thanks for the needed talks
Katie - I really just love your gentleness. And when you laugh.
Crystal - I love your life and am really sad it took me till summer to realize just how much i do love it

Dan - You are so real. And you portray truth. And you teach people really cool songs about mountains and daffodils.
Andy - You play your face games with me when no one else will. And you make me laugh harder than anyone else i think.

I love you all.

Encouragement-find your name here!

Alright Jockies

we'll start with the empress

Jenea-your heart is bigger than your whole head
Ashley-dude you're really freaking fun
Melissa- you always dish it out right back to me, it's so gangster
Craigy Buns- you love kitties man, and I love you
Juanitos- you are the craziest Mexican alive. But you're crazy for Jesus dude
Joel-you are my bestest bester best best buddy in the whole wide world
Mai Bahai-mai tumse piar karta hun, you practice what you preach


Joe the west-dude you have a big schnozz, but the babes dig it
Kir- you have tried really hard for our friendship, glad your hard work paid off
Kath- you are always there for anyone, anytime, if i looked up your name in the
dictionary it would say Kath-gangster, holy, servant leader, reliable
Matty C- you must have a lot of love to put up with two stinky room mates(Phil & I)
RoRizz- you are the coolest mountain hippy I know
Jacynth- you are like a little sister to me, except we don't punch eachother cause i
might get beat up.

A to the P to the Tizzle Town (i know this one's confusing, it means Apts)

The Lip- you are like a big lovable teddy bear, that's really rockalicious
Andrea- you could be the christian Wonder Woman!
Anthony- You are not unlike a Lynx, thanks for never going back to gay-town


Dan- i am so gonna get your freakin jersey when you play for the white caps
and i'm not gonna take it easy on you anymore cause you need competition!
Maccer- you are the pretiest man alive
Frankie J- stop making the altars flood, you might cause a revolution or something
Crystal Meyers- i love your life man, your love makes you fearless
Katie- if we were a big chocolate tiger, you'd be the ears and i'd be the butt
Dennis- why do you have to be such a good freaking friend? Gosh!!

I don't think i missed anyone. If i did, you can black walrus me when we get back.
If the devil is tempting you to relax after TWC, kick him in the face and tell him you don't give a crap about yourself, and you live only for Christ. Tell me if you feel that way and I'll help you.

your brother
joe the west


For the Vancouver girls

I've been hearing that you're not very united. Why not? It's the nature of God's people to be united. Division is satan's game. So why aren't you united? What can you do about that?

A couple of you said you wish the summer would just end, and both of you said it probably wasn't a good thing to want. I agree. And I appreciate your honesty.

So you girls are getting attack? What are you doing in response to that? Are you fighting back? How? It is also the nature of God's people to always be in victory over our enemy. After all, Christ won total victory on the cross. Anything that falls short of this total victory is lies and deception coming from wicked angels. We have the authority over them in Christ. Defeat is never YHWH's plan for His people!

You have the victory in Christ! And He has great things planned for you, even now! There is no defeat in Christ! Don't get caught up in Satan's lies. Choose to believe the truth, even when your own feelings deceive you. Feelings are fickle and change like the wind, but the Word of the LORD stands forever.

If it's not from YHWH, it's not true! If it's not from YHWH it's not true! If it's not from YHWH it's not true!

May you walk in your true victory all the days of your life! To God be the glory!
Victory in Jesus! Hallelujah!



1st time post

so i haven't checked the blog for a week or two (sorry). never posted before as don't know what to say...
Been working through some stuff, been having lots of feelings (i'm not a huge fan of feelings), and my feelings and thoughts have been lying to me alot of late (people have told me i'm doing better then what i feel/ think) so i don't turst much of what i think and feel at the moment. So i'm working on that and leaning to communicate and reconize feelings ect even when they're lying.
see my weekly update for what's been going on hear.

Officer Appreciation

Just a gentle reminder that yesterday was officer appreciation day, in Vancouver DTES our team remembered to say happy officer appreciation day to Stephen and Danielle.

So do something special for the officers there or drop stephen a line and tell us about it. We made cards with candy!

Love you guys


"out of the mouths of babes..."

i was just reading chapter 9 in "Be a Hero" (seven deadly sins) and Kayla (3) came up to me and asked me what i was reading about.
i hesitated to tell her because at that moment i was reading shocking stats about children dying of malnutrition around the world. but i remembered some of Aaron White's classes, and decided to tell her the truth:
"i'm reading about children who live in other countries, far away from us. they don't have any food or parents or toys, and they are very sick. they're dying."
Kayla sat in silence for a second (a rare thing), and said "i could share my toys with them, couldn't i?"

this is amazing! a few weeks ago i tried to convince her to give a toy to her friend and she said "but i NEED it!" this girl has tons of toys.
but the Lord is transforming her, giving her a generous heart.

"yes. i think that would make Jesus very happy, Kayla!"
"and then the kids could play with Jesus!!!"

"Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are children of one's youth."
Psalm 127:4




So last night I was waiting for a friend at home and so I was playing the keyboard that they lent me for the summer - singing my little heart out because my roomate was not home. All of the sudden I get a knock on the door.
"Hey, we don't know you, but we heard you singing and want to come and worship with you."
Isn't that crazy!?! I was so surprised. When does that happen in real life?
They came in, I brought my keys out to the living room and we had about 45 minutes of worship. They told me their names once, but i can't remember them anymore. They go to the Alliance church here in Vernon. It was pretty sweet. Worshipping with complete strangers. I don't know if I'll ever see them again.
Praise the LORD!

KiR = Vernonite Warrior

well worth it

Yet, at the end of the day, God helps the righteous stand strong. Even in the toughest of times we can rest assured that God will be with his people. For those who are facing times that demand endurance, faith, and a steadfast spirit, this is a great proverb.

I thought that was well worth repeating. Thanks, Joshua.




Sorry Guys for not blogging from so long!

Proverbs can help shape and transform our lives. The Proverbs cover many ares of life.

A Law: A Law is a command that you must always obey.
A Promise: A Promise is a guarantee that is always true.
A Proverb: A Proverb is a catchy - observations about the way things generally are.

Proverbs 10:25 (NIV)
When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone,
but the righteous stand firm forever.

This Proverb acknowledges the fact that storms do come in life. The question is not if, but when! Yet, at the end of the day, God helps the righteous stand strong. Even in the toughest of times we can rest assured that God will be with his people. For those who are facing times that demand endurance, faith, and a steadfast spirit, this is a great proverb.

Love You and Miss you Guys!

Joshua Out~

Another vancouverite

I agree with katie on the whole we don't have easy acces to internet! but you all already know that.

I like this blog and all...but sometimes, i'll come on here to post and it's like i'm just repeating everything i just sent out in my weekly email to my session, so i don't bother repeating myself. So, i never really know what to write. Because if you all read my email i send out then you know what's going on in my life.

So, That's really all i have right now.

Like Katie said...pray for us...there's so much attack right now within our group and it is not fun. I think a lot of us just wish for the summer to be over. So, KAtie, you're not alone in that. But i think that does need to change.

Well, war room shift real soon. Gotta run. Love you all from the bottom of my heart.



On behalf of the girls in Vancouver, I'd like to apologize for the lack of posts etc. We don't exactly have to best access to the internet and when we do we have about 35 new emails. You all remember what it was like here! But we will, or at least I will, try and keep you all informed with my life.

My life is good here in the DTES. Pretty relaxed schedule wise but it's still spiritually intense. Unfortunately we aren't too unified here either. Communication is under attack. Sometimes I wish the summer would just end but that is not the right attitude to have and have been praying for God to change my heart.

Oh ya one thing that I forgot to mention is we had a visitor from Toronto this past week that I kind of knew from before. She said she would totally help out with starting one in TO. PTL!!!

Anyways, must go eat food... I am wasting away... well not really.

Love you all


Conversation is the bomb.

1 519 936 0804. PhiL & DaN

No provocation intended.



this has been possibly the most multi-cultural weekend of my life.

i attended the first ever, and only, Russian Messianic Jewish Corps-- i completely felt like i was in a different country-- everything in Russian, or Hebrew, with various Orthodox traditions...kissing the Tora, dancing around holding hands, praying towards the east... i felt like i was in Fiddler on the Roof.
while i was sitting there, praying, trying to understand what was going on, a woman came up to me and put her sweater over my legs...and it was then that i noticed that every other woman there was wearing a floor length skirt, and i was wearing shorts. oh man, i have never been one to cause scandal by the way that i dress, but apprently it was just too much for her to let it go.

great news though-- this was the first Shabbat in the history of this congregation when a woman gave the interpretation of the Tora reading-- yea woman preachers!

i really connected with some soldiers there, and we had a powerful time of prayer with them-- the language barrier didn't matter.
and we have yet another person living with us now-- his name is Andre, and he is from Israel. so i've had many interesting conversations with him, mostly about the difference between being a Jewish believer, and being a gentile Christian.

so then we brought our Russian, Hebrew friend Andre to a Puerto Rican corps-- this entire meeting was in spanish. that was a rockin time-- those Puerto Ricans sure know how to do church.
it was so rough though-- i was trying to piece together the little bits of spanish i know, and translate into english, for Andre, for whom english is his 3rd language.
geez Louise. some people are such under-achievers.

i think i want to be a linguistics major in uni...

Das vidania, y muchos gracias, shalom!


mis corazones

hola chicos y chicas how are things in your hood? as for me things are still rocking.. like always mexican always know how to spice things up if you know what i mean!!! we are caliente. today i attended a 1st nations metting it was the bomb i did'nt understand half the things they were saying butt the HOLY spirit speaks all tounges it was great. i was blessed. any ways just wanted too say hi and that i LOVe you all and miss you all VERY mucho can't wait too see you ...... stay close to GOD and fix your eyes on him.
he LOVes YOU
and i LOVE you toooooooooooooooo


I'm DOIN' IT!!


Here's a Praise report:
I genuinely Love all of you!!!

I'm never too busy to write, it's just that all of my "pouring out" is into the Birminghamites. And i'll always be honest. which is why i tend to not post and such things, because I am truly doing wonderful! I get to teach ALL the time 7am devotions at the shelter most days and 10:30 p.m. devotions with the guys who work at he shelter.

I have a hurt wisdom tooth =) and it's going to get pulled on monday @10
I was in intense pain the other night and on the floor in the middle of my room writhing in pain and in tears for about 5 min. praying, praising, asking, listening. Then stode with clasped hands up to the LORD getting healed! AMEN!

Things with Eve are a little hard sometimes. She forgets to trust in the LORD and put Him first and so it's hard sometimes to take care of those things just over the phone and not being with her everyday. But I know 1st and formost she is in the LORD's hands. Pray for the church body to be around her (she really needs that specifically) and for her growth in the LORD

I think i'm done.

I genuinely Love all of you!!!



I wholeheartedly agree with Denise. I have the benefit of seeing the desperation in her eyes when she talks about how we need each other. Its real intersession coming from the heart of YHWH and we'd all be pretty selfish and hard against YHWH to ignore it.

We need vulnerability. We need community. Community is hard. It has been all year. It may be harder now, because we're not together. That doesn't matter. We need to do it. We need to fight through this stuff.

Fighting would be a lot easier if it was a physical battle where we strapped on physical armor and took up tangible weapons and started killing demons. But it's not that easy. Fighting often means going against your own inhibitions. It means being free in worship when everyone is looking. It means going strong and not slacking off when we feel sleepy and lethargic. It means making time, time for God, time for people. Time for blogging. It means sharing your problems when pride says you can handle it on your own or no one cares, or a million other lies the enemy is using to keep us shut up. We need to recognize where the enemy is attacking and resist that.

We need to hear what the Spirit is saying to the session. YHWH speaks through His prophets. When people prophesy, we NEED to listen. It isn't them, it's the voice of YHWH. Have ears to hear Him, through Denise, through Jenea, through whomever He chooses to use.

In keeping with Denise's word, here's my struggle- The liar keeps giving me all this guilt and condemnation. I often feel like I've been doing the wrong thing. Whenever Doug and Debb call me or take me aside to tell me something, I feel like I'm going to be in trouble. I feel guilty for spending time with people, when that's what I'm supposed to do. It's been heavy and distracting. Also, I found out in a prayer session that I was being legalistic with my time with YHWH, so He told me to stop doing my rations for a bit so He could teach me how to do it without legalism. So times have been inconsistent. And I'm trying not to feel guilt for time I don't spend and for the time I do spend. It's all kind of crazy, but I'm just now recognizing this stuff as an attack. So here's my struggle, my weakness. I need prayer. Help me.

Deliver us from evil. Amen.
The One who is faithful will do it. Amen.
One day, every knee will bow. Total victory. Amen.


I would really like to clarify something(s). Some of this stuff I should have said in the other post and in my e-mail, but honestly, I didn't have it all sorted out in my head then.

My heart is breaking for our session. While Matt seems to feel uneasy about coming to this particular blogger site, I am feeling uneasy about our session.
We spent so much time in the 8 months before our placements talking about being unified and sticking together, being one. Yet, there are people within us that I know really nothing about since leaving Vancouver. I'm not satisfied with that. YHWH is not satisfied with that!
I don't normally give these kinds of words, but this week has been a real battle for me - for many reasons. I should be able to come on here (or send an e-mail to you all) and feel as though I'm going to be supported by my whole session, not just the few regulars who visit(though I love that you do!). It shouldn't be that Joel is the only one I go to with 'stuff' just because he's physically here with me.
Why should we go through things(good and bad) and not share them? We need to be vulnerable with each other - and this, and our weekly updates are the only place we can do that this summer.
Please. I'm at the point of almost begging you all(and its taking a lot for me to say that!), be open and honest with all of us as to where you are at. Don't wait until we're all together again to share yourselves. That's not good enough.

Yes, I know this sounds like a rant and you may not want to hear it. But its where I'm at right now. I'm sitting here in tears because I so desperately want to know and share what's really going on with you guys. And I haven't even shared myself yet!
Its time to get vulnerable and stop hiding behind uneasiness and excuses that there isn't enough time(we all know there is!) and we just don't have anything to share.

I love each and everyone of you.


Mac an' Drew

Alright, I dont think I have been on here for a while, So thanks to Denise, I will be faithful and tell everyone how I am doing...
This morning I had my weekly meeting with the corps officer and got some great stuff out of it. I have clearance to do a lot of cool stuff and if things go according to plan, I might be setting up a brigade to go out and do... something. (havent thought that far ahead yet)
Anyways, that was definitely a highlight, Beracah and I also had a meeting with a guy from the ARC, which is now a weekly thing (Nicole would have come too but she was working)
So this past week has been a little more relaxing then other in my life. Which is good... gives me freedom to vision. I am looking forward to some things that could be in the works for these kids.
It is hard though, because I think Nicole, Beracah and I are some of the first people to be in a 18-25 age bracket that actually care about them. They dont have that group of people that are just above their age for a while....
Anyways... pressing through that we are doing well, we have begun to spiritually map Esquimalt and soon we will be starting up some more outreach stuff. Thats exciting.
Ummm, as for myself, I am well.... Enjoying life, enjoying Christ.
Trying to be obedient and following the sound of his voice each day...
Miss you all, Keep these teens in your prayers.
Me too if you want.
Peace and joy and many blessings

imagine all the posts...

I was just thinking as I read through the posts and comments - and left a comment for someone *cough*JOE!*cough* that its mostly the same people who are coming here and posting on this blog.
This place was set up so that we could keep in touch, encourage, laugh, and support each other through Christmas, and now the summer. People are not coming here, and if they are, they are not posting. Why is that?
We are all busy with our placements and the things we are doing, and some of us can't get to a computer as easily as some others, but it would be great to hear from everyone - since some weekly updates aren't really telling much in detail.

So...if you're out there reading and you haven't shared with us, please do. I/we really want to hear from you...the good, the bad, the ugly!

And if you are e-mailing people, encourage them to stop by and visit us.

Love you all.


Oh Crystal...

Crystal quotes:

To Adam, who has a black eye thanks to Michael Collins: "Why do you eat so much pepperoni? Does it make your eye feel better??"

"Guys, I don't get guys, they must be like an animal form."

Let's love eachother!

It has been a while since I have written or even read this blog. I don't have any funny stories to share but I though I would tell you what God has been speaking to me about lately.

James 3:8-10

" but no one can tame the tongue. It is an uncontrollable evil, full of deadly poison. Sometimes it praises our Lord and Father and sometimes it breaks out into curses against those who have been made in the image of God. And so blessing and cursing come pouring out of the same mouth. Surely my brothers and sisters, this is not right! "

I feel like I have been hearing too much cursing and talking bad about other people and to be honest, it is not right! So keep watch my brothers and sisters that you do not curse those who have been made in the image of God.

Thats what God has been speaking to me about. Love you all!!

Bless you, Katie

My Son...

Here's the story of the day:

Most of you know, we eat lunch at the Corps soup kitchen(today we had lasagna,. It was yummy!).

As I was leaving a few minutes ago, a gentleman(one of the regulars) asks me,
"Where is your son today?"
To which I replied,
"I don't have one."
He then goes on to say,
"that young man that comes in here with you, your son."
my reply,
"Joel? with the shaggy hair?"
"Yes" he says.
"He is at the Family Store today and again, not my son. We are only 8 years apart, man, I would have had to start early!!"
*everyone laughs*

Oh man! He thought Joel was my son!!! How strange is that, and who would honestly think of that?!?!


Love you all.


Canadian Ambassador Melissa Wight

Well, as representative of the entire nation of Canada (and Alaska because Australians think its the same thing) I have decreed the following :

We don't hate Americans we actually like them.
This is what TV is telling Australians, my response - throw it out your window.

Canadians are not immune to cold weather, we too are human.

We do not say "Oot and aboot" but at least we pronounce the letter "r".

We speak French in Quebec, yes thats in Canada.

God bless you all my holies -


I have your pants. I didn't mean to have them, but I do.
I wore them yesterday. I hope you don't mind.

They are nice pants. I hope you have enough this summer. It would be unfortunate to walk around without enough pants...



Wrestling with God

Something that i have been going through lately, i finally have been able to give it to God and i have had victory for the last 2 days. Good stuff. I could explain to you all what it was specifically, but instead i think i will tell you what i watched on a Christian broadcasting show today.

When Jacob wrestled with God at one point God asked Jacob what his name was. What this actually translates to is something like, "what is your calling? or struggle? or character?" When we struggle with something God isn't going to take it away from us, we have to give it to him. What God wants us to do is admit/confess our struggle. He already knows what we are struggling with, but He wants us to be able to confess our struggle to Him and to ourselves. We have to admit that we are weak in this situation. We have to give it to Him, for He won't take it from us if we are still holding onto it.

So, friday, i had a wrestle with God. He has been revealing an impurity in my heart for the last couple days and I finally came to terms with it myself (Psalm 42). I had to confess it to God, and fully give it to Him and ask Him to "create in me a clean heart" (Psalm 51). So, praise the LORD, i have now had victory. He has created in me a clean heart, because, obviously i can't do it myself.

Also, something else that hit me today. The devil has no authority over us, for we are children of God, satan was beat down 2,006 years ago when Jesus died on the cross. YEAH BABY! Our struggle isn't with the devil but with our flesh. Think about it. This is why we beat our bodies into subjection! (1 Corinthians 9:25 -27)

Here are some scriptures to ruminate over.

"When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. " James 1:13, 14

"So I advise you to live according to your new life in the Holy Spirit. Then you won't be doing what your sinful nature craves. The old sinful nature loves to do evil, which is just opposite from what the Holy Spirit wants. And the Spirit gives us desires that are opposite from what the sinful nature desires. These two forces are constantly fighting each other, and your choices are never free from this conflict. But when you are directed by the Holy Spirit, you are no longer subject to the law." Galatians 5:16 - 18

Romans 7: 5,15-20, 8:1
1 Peter 3:18
Matthew 26:41
John 17:2
1 Corinthians 15:50
Galatians 4:14
Galatians 5:19 -21

Sorry, the links don't actually work. But, if you like to press buttons, you can try them anyway. Have at it!

Stay strong in the fight against your flesh. It's not the devil we wrestle with, but it is with our flesh that we struggle.


"bless our general, bless our leaders, bless our officers as well."

Commissioning/congress was this past weekend.
got to meet eric himes (the Red Book session), tom moffit (primitivesalvationist.org), and many more beautiful people.

but the high of my weekend was--
Commissioner Israel Gaither (the national commander for the US, candidate for general this past high council, and an amazing speaker) gave a word to us all on Friday evening. he said something like,

"the Lord is doing something new in the Salvation Army. something to do with prophecy. especially in regards to the youth. everyone-- if a young person comes up to you and prophecies-- listen to them! God is doing something in the youth of the Salvation Army, and they are beginning to prophecy."

how wonderful is that!? i almost started crying...
it's so glorious to hear a leader in the SA seeing what Holy Spirit is doing amongst us, and affirming it publicly.
i agree with him. the youth of the Salvation Army are hearing the voice of the Almighty, and speaking it.
grant it, Lord.




Hellow All!!! I am just updating kinda for a reminder to you all. Right before leavig for summer assignment we were given a warning....remember.....the whole spirit of lust thing?.... Well, I don't think that was only for our session. We live in community and so I beleive it applied to our entire community. Unfortunatly being here I've seen some fruit of that. So just be praying anout that. Don't loose focuse. Don't take lightly the word that was given to us. Remember it's not about us!

Now that that's over...just a few funnies from this week...
Funny Stephen Court: "I have some tools" (really?) "Well, my wife has some tools."
Jacynta Pitaway: (Singing) "The Jesus in me loves the Jesus in him"(pointing at a spesific someone)
Lydia: (to Jacynta) "Why don't you just leave...Go home"

There were so many more I just have such a bad memory....I suck at this job.
Allright, I miss you all emensly!!!! - MJ


I totally just watched the I am the war college video and I started crying I miss you guys so much. I can't even use my words to describe.

I love you all


Pray Hard

OK quick request but very important, pray for HOPE renfrew, leadership, the girls and all involved, it is needed and pray for melinda, she was in hospital she had her appendix out, it was random, we feel like just due to other things that there family is under attack so pray for them all.

Love you guys


Just two things...

First, let me point out that on our little hits map thing on the right side of the screen, there are no hits from Antartica. I think it might be the only continent we're missing, so lets get on it! We need an Antartican to check out our blog!

I also just want to say that our new General is the bomb digitty. Seriously, he's rad. We read a speach he made to the high council. He talks about how we need to be under the feet of Jesus and return to "old wells" (not "worn out methodoligies" but more like the old spirit of the Army, living all for Jesus) and he prophisied to them all and called for repentance. Sweet stuff. We're in for a good few years here...

God bless the General! Lets keep blessing him up because he's got a big job to do. I trust him to do it in all sincerity.



Prayer request

Hi guy. I trust all is well.

I have a prayer request for you. Lately I have been tempted a lot about returning to Australia after war college and going back to my old life of comfort. I am still a police officer which is a good paying job. We have a house, car and all that stuff still. The enemy has been feeding a whole stack of lies about all this. I know his lies are just crap but it's still a temptation. Please pray against this as it is not within the plan the Lord has for us.



Atlanta, Georgia

CRAiG and myself got the oppurtunity to go to Atlanta, Georgia this weekend for the commissioning of the new Salvation Army officers. It was quite nice. CRAiG's parents came and picked us up in Birmingham Saturday night. We got into Atlanta about 12 am. I got a nice hotel room all to myself with a king-sized bed. Very nice. I only got 3 interrupted hours of sleep though. Not fun.

Commissioning was boring, and I would be okay if i never had to go to another one in my life.

In the middle of the service me and CRAiG were surprised to see Anthony Castle and Rob Dolby. So we rushed out of our seats and hurried over to see them. It was very cool to be able to see one of our session mates.

Not only did we see him but I met Phils mom and sister. Phil is definitely his mothers child. I didn't know her as his mother, i only guessed by her mannerisms and the way she talks. They were very nice and fun. I got to give them both hugs. fun.

CRAiG's parents definitely treated us very nicely. they took us to eat once saturday and twice sunday. i was well fed. i didn't go hungry.

i miss you all. anthony is doing good.

Jenea Loves Her Life!!!

So I just realized the other night how happy I am to be me. I was out on Steet Combat with Crystal when this happened. WHen we were driving back from dropping this lady off I was thinkding.
"How many other places could I be where I can; Meet a woman prostituting herself on the street. Listen to her story and have her poor her heart to me. Pray with her. Haver her pray for me. Take her somewhere where I can get her warm soup, good juice, and sandwishes for lunch the next day. Then driver her home (in my officers van which I latter reck....you can read about that in my update numero dos) so that she doesn't have to work the street for bus fare.
HOW SWEET IS THAT!!! I just really miss all of you so much!!! Howerver I am have fun without you....but not as much fun as if you were here....sometimes.
I love you all! - MJ


Pentecost Sunday

We need another pentecost, send the fire today! (General William Booth)

This is my prayer as we celebrate this important day on the Christian calander. Make it your's too!

Andrew S

Please Pray!

This week we've been under attack. God is BIGGER, but we need to rise up in prayer so that we can gain the VICTORY throught JESUS.
I caught three guys trying to break into my house on Tuesday, the Talkin Donkey has had two incidents that required us calling the police. We found a guy hiding under a desk in the office after we closed, and then this morning someone stole someone's wallet from their main office here.
Stuff is going on and the enemy is rumbling so I ask you to pray for strategy, and protection.
I really think that this is a warning as well. The staff here need to come together and pray, we need to be praying more intentionally here. It's not like Re:cre8, it's more like a business so people aren't praying together at the beginning and end of the shifts. But I believe we will!
I see a worship service starting here with the staff, I see discipleship going on. I see people getting together to pray for one another and love on each other. Please join me in prayer.
If someone in Vancvouer could put it up in the WAR ROOM that would be great.
Fighting strong ni Vernon
- Kirsten


do not sin in your anger

oh man, matthew champ, that word was really timely.

we just finished 2 days of a little something called "donut day." it's basically kettles, but minus the freezing cold, plus blistering heat, and traffic. we stand at intersections and ask people in their cars to give us money. i almost got hit way too many times.
plus....sunburns and blisters. lovely!
pretty much a 14 hour day in the end.

i could feel myself getting irritable. and impatient. i kept snapping at people (even the girl i'm discipling...oh man)and i just felt so horribly DRAINED.

so yea- needless to say, thank you matthew for the word. i am weak. i can't hold myself up. i need His strength-- help me Jesus.
i'm not asking Him just to make me feel strong, i'm asking Him to help me not to let this weariness drag me down.
no excuse for sin-- even if i feel like death, and even if the sin is as "little" (not like we rate sins) as avoiding someone who tries my patience.

i love it when the body of Christ works...i'm so glad matthew was obedient in sharing what the Lord gave to him.




From the War Room

The Lord spoke to me in the War Room Thursday morning and I wrote about this in the WAYH book in the War Room for those staying in Vancouver this summer. As I've been praying into this word I feel that it is beneficial for everyone on their summer placements:

Do you boast in your weaknesses?
I feel really (physically) crappy...heavy and achy and pukey yet my heart is crying out; it's yelling: YOU GAIN STRENGTH WHEN YOU BOAST IN WHERE YOU ARE WEAK!

Right now alot of people feel weak, physically, emotionally and spiritually, and they've been looking for strength in everything but from the LORD. Acknowledge your weaknesses and you will become stronger. The LORD can strengthen us to do anything! Instead of looking to man, whether it be to help out in the war room or at re:cre8 or whatever your ministry may be, we need to turn to the LORD and admit to Him (and to man) that: 'I know nothing. I am weak. I need the LORD'S strength to help me out.'

Romans 8:28 says:

"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them."

We are in God's hand! He's got everything under control...all we have to do is admit that we are weak and that without the LORD we are nothing; then answers/solutions will flow like a fresh stream because the LORD is ALWAYS faithful to help His people out when we need it!

There is a song in the SASB #732: I'm in his hands.

I'm in his hands.
I'm in his hands.
Whatever the future holds
I'm in his hands.
The days I cannot see
Have all been planned for me.
His way is best
You see, I'm in his hands.

We are in His hands! He will remain faithful to us when we ask Him to help us. Don't be afraid to ask.

-Champ out

no..., i knew all along

This is probably going to be my only post.

Left in the Dark!

so whats with this? why didn't anybody inform CRAiG and RoRo about this blog being used again, huh? huh?

we were in the dark. but were not in the dark any more, well, i'm not, CRAiG will soon find out, and let me tell you, he might be outraged that he didn't know before!

but, now that we know, we will definitly update. miss you guys and love hearing form you!

be blessed. stay close to JeSuS!


So Joel just typed up a post and somehow it got deleted.

Here's the long and short of it...

The Corps has been going through renovations(the whole place has been painted), and yesterday the carpet guy decided to come and start(a week early)so everything had to be cleared out of the chapel. As we looked around, we realized there were only 3 people to do any actual lifting(Joel, Charlie-who runs the teen centre, and myself). So Joel(and Charlie), feeling the need to share with you all, was put to some hard labor and moved all the pews down the stairs, out the door and into the thrift store truck. It was a hot, pretty humid day, and they were sweating buckets!

What did I do? Thought you would never ask...

I held the door to the Corps open so they could get the pews out!! =) It doesn't stay on its own and putting something in the hinge would have only kept it half open.

Its a tough job, but somebody had to do it!

All in a days work for the Lord in Bangor!

Love you guys!
Denise ;)


An Interview!

Hey Guys,


So I think we all heard that Jack is Out! And their is one Interview of Third World and Western World which was published in Jack this month. you can read my Intreview from their.


Bless You!

Joshua Out~

God answers prayer!

I want to testify to some things that God has done just in the past couple of days.
So everyone knows about those guys at my house...
Well everyone around here has really been supportive and were actually pretty surprised to find out that I still wanted to stay in the house.
So... they've re-activated the alarm system in there (woohoo!) and supposedly the siren is so loud that it would scare anyone. The light has been fixed outside of my porch, and from listening to wise counsel, I have asked this girl, Kayla, to move in with me and she said yes. So that'll be happening in two weeks.
Praise Yahweh!
Honestly, that's amazing. I've been wanting to find someone to either formally or informally disciple, and Kayla is totally game. She's 18 or 19.
I didn't want to leave that house, but I wanted to walk in wisdom.
Thanks so much for everyones prayers. Especially everyone who did listening prayer and told me by phone or email - you guys make me cry like nobody else (in a good way!)
With all my love,
Kir xox

Princess Diaries

Kayla (3 yrs) quotes--

"I just kill myself!" (after she made us laugh)

"Isn't this magical?"

"Are you SURE you wanna get me some ice cream?" (without the offer being put forth)

"We're jokin' up!" (translation-- cracking up)

"I'm NOT laughing" (very stern)

And my favorite of all--
"Isn't it wonderful when dreams come true?" (when mom bought her a new barbie)

What a little darling. The kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these :o)

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