
miss your hugs

hey my lovely mojo's how are we? ??? i miss you guys.. you know what i miss.. The hugs and the smiles and the funny faces you all make when beaing silly... things here in manitoba are great i;ve got great officers and a great littel town that is preaty thight together, so its great. Guess what? am doing my 1st funneral on saturday wicked its true.. Am i worried or is it scary? na na..... whats the worst that can happen, i bring the dude back too life... that would be great......so its kind of cool....this sounds so morbid. Anywho like i said i misss you all's hugys
juanito loves you and misses you

the talk of the town

hey guys its me JUANITOS ah man! i miss you . what do i miss?.... your hugs.. thire great. things here in manitoba are great..ppl are nice and want to know everything about beaing a mexican its funn. i guess you can say that am the talk of the town.. ok not really.. ok maybe not. anywho am having tons of funn with pete and marney there my officers its great serving togther. oh and yes am eating lots of beef its great unless your one of those flower lovers then i guess its not so good.. i think am getting a littel you know heavy ok fat. oh well ok got too go loves you too much

pic from Youth Councils

Denise & Joel(or denoel as we are now being called, since we are apparently one person!) at Youth Councils with the Bangor teens - and a 5 pound Hershey bar(YUCK!).

Pray for them!


The Passion - Something to be Passionate About!

The church has been called a "body" of believers with Christ at the head. And just like our human bodies, the body of Christ has many parts. But what are these parts? What does this body consist of? Is it the church building, the classrooms, the landscape, and the parking lot? No. The body of Christ consists of much more profound and important parts than physical locations or buildings.
The parts of the body of Christ are you and me.

Without each of its parts, a body will not function the way that it is designed. If your nose were missing, your body would not function to its full potential. Without your shoulder, your arm would not be as useful. For the church to function as the vehicle to spread God's message of truth, hope and love, all of the parts of the body must be present.

But there is one more thing necessary for the body to reach its potential. The parts of the body must be functioning - they have to work. If you have ever broken your arm or leg, then you know how useless that broken limb is until it is working again. That is true with the church too. Just showing up for one hour a week to worship corporately is not enough to keep the body healthy and working. God wants each of us to use our gifts for his glory and to use those gifts to serve in the church.

Too many of us, though, put church and service at church on the back burners of our lives. We cram our schedules full of events and activities until there is no longer room for everything. And too often church is what gets pushed aside. But that is not what Christ intended. He wants us to live our lives with the church - to do life with church as a priority. And nothing should take priority over living the life that Christ wants for each of us.

--Joshua Out~

Faith is the evidence, the substance...

satan is a deceiver. Don't be deceived! Don't be defeated! Jesus already gave us the victory by the grace of God and through His blood. Your sins are forgiven. Walk in freedom.

This takes faith! When satan begins to tell his lies, we have to hold onto the truth in faith. The enemy will tell you that he has you under his authority (i.e. a wicked spirit is oppressing you or someone has cursed you). Or maybe he'll be sneakier and just tell you that you're not having an effect, or that you're getting burnt out or fed up. Let faith be the evidence that you are not. Let faith be the evidence that you have victory over these things in Jesus name.

Sometimes we won't feel the truth. Let faith be the substance of the truth, not feelings. Lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him. He'll keep you straight!

Thanks be to GOD who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!


Ps- Acknowledge- admit the existence, reality, or truth of. To recognize as being valid or having force or power.



My Sister is Graduate!

Hey Guys!

I have a good news that My Sister "Isha Paul" She is graduate from her school today. Now her school study has gone finish. Please pray for her future that Lord will use her for his Kingdom.

Love You.

Joshua Out~

Do you smell something burning? Wait that's me!

Soooooooooooooo hot here. Dan is getting fed up with it. We live in the loft with no AC. Dan has threatened to move downstairs and live with the cat. Funny thing is he used to hate cats, but Faith (the cat) is starting to convert him. So aside from cooking eggs on the sidewalk, things here are going well. Last week was a tough week, but things are looking up. Got some really good encouragement from Major Lewis. Hes great and is helping us out tremendously. Love the big lug.
The coffee house today went good. We had some conversations with people, and one of the people Dan was talking to started talking to him about the bible. gave Dan a good oppertunity to talk to people and witness that way. He didn't initate the conversation. That was a huge victory. Praise the Lord.
Open air here should be starting on Sunday. Please pray it. We're having a hard time getting people motivated and and wanting to do this. I actually confronted a guy today. LOL. Dan said he was shocked that I actually came out and asked this guy what he was afraid of LOL. Kinda shocked myself too. Oh well.
I love all you guys and miss you all. You're in my prayers. To the Vancouver girls. Please check up on Rachel. She seems to be going through a hard time. If you get a chance please spend some time with her. Blessing.


Praying for air-conditioning!

Tough second week.
Strong satanic presence. Hard ground
Exhausting and seemingly unfruitful.

God speaks though... Wait on the Lord.

Reading a book handed to me by Leanord Ravenhill 'Why Revival Tarries.'

Misquote Quote - '...we need two things; vision and passion...'

On it.


P.s. Man, this loft is humid and it's only May.

Prayer Request!

Hey Guys!

Their is Prayer Request that I just Heard that Jill is Leaving from Vancouver to her Home Tomorrow. She did not want to leave but her Mum's want that.

So let us Pray for Her!

Stand together with Faith and Spirit and Go For Victory. May be Lord will change her Mum's heart.



One Word!

Acts 20:24
I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given to me -- the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace.

How important is grace? Paul said it was more important than his life! Telling about grace was more important to Paul than his life! In fact, that was his life!

Joshua Out~

Update of An Indian from Melfort!

So My Update is that I am in Melfort and I am enjoying my cooking and that's good. The suck thing is that their is raining a lot from last three days.

As we all know or May be some did know's that we got Victory over enemy on our fasting day. Jill has seen her stuffs in Neighbourhood and recre8 went so good on that night. So thanks guys for fighting.

Keep Fighting!

Love you and Miss you.

Joshua out~

A word from the LORD

Hey guys,
I got this word for a specific person, but I think that it could really apply to all of us.
This is what the LORD says...
"You are free. You ARE free. Act as you are free. Don't wait until you "feel" like you are free.
Pray as if you are free. Worship in the fullness of freedom. Dance as a free man dances. Dance upon the great injustice of how the Enemy is deceiving the LORD's people into thinking that they are not TRULY free."
The LORD says, "Sometimes you will be the only one dancing, the only one shaking off the chains, the only one praying or shouting. Don't slow down, don't hesitate, don't fall into captivity. What "feels" more comforatble in that moment is slavery from the Enemy. I, the LORD, set you free for FRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDOOOOMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!"


Hooray! TGIF!! There's Goodness in Forgiving!

So if Crystal is reading this, you'll be happy to know that I am thinking of you often. Why? Because there are a few people here, including Joel, who are constantly singing a Natasha Beddingfield song...and I'm getting annoyed!!!! Crystal Myers, I love you and I miss your life.
Yes, I realize that I could have said that in an e-mail, but I don't want to! Plus, I'm already here. So there you have it.
Bangor is beautiful and sunny today - PTL!!!! Of course, as I say that the skies could open up and a downpour could begin. But it won't! If you think the weather changes in Vancouver, come to Bangor.
Its been an interesting couple of days here. I've been sick with a cold and Doug has been feeling sick as well, so he's not been into the office. Keep him in your prayers.
On another note, I'm going to Canada tonight!! WooHoo! I am heading to Moncton with Aurora to pick her mom up at the airport(she gets in tomorrow). Its very exciting because we are staying with some old college friends of mine. Good times ahead!!
Wow. I feel like I really don't have a whole lot to share. Things are going really well here. We are starting to make some good relationships with the teens, and I am hoping to be able to connect with the pre-teens some more in the coming weeks.
Yep, that's about it. Love you all!!

Be blessed,

Before we finish, I have something to say-

Standing, with the blank page before you, open up the dirty window, let the sun illuminate the words that you cannot find
Reaching for something in the distance, so close you can almost taste it! Release your inhibitions, feel the rain on your skin!
No one else can live life for you! Only you can ... sdsdhgd;ghfd;g!
Only you, only you can feel the rain on your skin!!!

That's all.

I love you I love you I love yooooouuuuu!!!!



Radelaide Adelaide

Hi my Holies,

Thanks for them fightin' words J&D.

Things are going well here, had a funny day on Wednesday, photo shoots and table tennis. You can read the little story on my blog if you like.

Rach and I are starting our own little business. By little and business I mean we're going to sell bags, jewellery, magnets, photos & frames etc. at a market for one day in the near future. Should be entertaining. I'm in charge of making the jewellery. If at all any profit, its going to Rach's fund for Training College in January as well as our new founded "Icecream for Joy" organization. So, pray for favour, open wallets and no rain (the market is outside).

I've decided to give up a few things while I'm here and then I figure why not for the rest of my life and they are the following: Worrying, Biting my nails and Striving. I was going to also give up icecream, but thought that unwise since Rach and I just started the "Icecream for Joy" thingy. I decided this a couple days ago and so far so good, Jesus and I are getting along much better and I feel loads more joyful and free.

Praise God for His grace!


The 1-4 in Bangor

Denise is sick today. Doug's fighting illness as well. Prayer's for health would be appreciated.

So how many people fasted and prayed for the girls back in Vancouver yesterday? We did here in Bangor!

Vancouver team-
What was the fruit? How has God responded to our prayers and fasting? Have your needs been met, or should we continue to pray and fast?

We had our first band practice last night. My lip is so incredibly weak it's not even remotely funny. Just very very sad. Plus I couldn't remember my positions, so it took me a while to pick up on that. When I finally did, my lips were too tired to play well. To make matters far better, I'm the only trombone in the band! Good times, good times.

We'll keep fighting strong here if you keep fighting there! Deal?

Let's overcome him by the blood of the Lamb and through the word of our testimony, and by not loving our own lives, even if we must die for Him!

All glory and praise be to the only one Good Lord!




Have you ever wondered why the Scripture instructs us to praise God? Three reasons can be found in the verses above from Psalm 34.

First of all, praising the Lord encourages others. I think you’d be amazed at how people, Christian and non-Christian alike, respond to something as positive as honest and sincere praise to God when something good or bad happens to you.

Second, praising God naturally brings fellowship. There is a closeness… a bond… that is created when you’re praising God together.

And last, praising the Lord gives you power for your day-to-day life. I don’t know what you may be facing today, be it a temptation you can’t let go of or a sin you can’t escape. Whatever it is, praise will bring you out of it!

My friend, God responds to your honest, genuine praise of Him. So I urge you to make praise a habit no matter what you may be going through today!


~Joshua Out~
Psalm 34:2-4

Two Guys, A Cell, And A Pizza Place

Hello hello hello. London calling baby London Calling. We had 4 new people in cell yesterday. Good stuff. Dan and I are doing chapel like crazy. We're doing 5 chapels this week. Good stuff. Maybe I'll get over my fear of speaking in front of people. So one of our missions is to go to this coffee house and talk to people and invite them to cell. I stopped by there tonight to check on some people, and the lady in charge, who I had never met before, told me that Dan and I were welcome to come, but we couldn't invite people to a "bible study" and wqe couldn't talk about religion. So I guess Dan and I are just going to have to talk about our best friend and invite people to lunch at our friends house, with conversation afterwards from now on. ;-) So after I stopped by there I walked across the street to Pizza Pizza and the guy at the counter asked me if I was from out of town. I guess he could tell by my accent. I told him I was here with The Salvation Army for 3 months, and he smiled and told me he met Dan and Jenn yesterday and they invited him to cell, but he didn't have the address, so I gave it to him. He seems like a great guy.
So there you go. Love you guys. Be blessed and keep up the good work.

mentoring the matrix

last night i spoke at IN-FYUZ again...
i spoke on the difference between the Gospel of Salvation, and the Gospel of the Kingdom. how it's not about inviting Jesus into our lives, but accepting His invitation into His life-- dying to ourselves, giving up our lives to find true life.
anyway, one girl came forward to the altar to accept the invitation to die (we didn't have black sheets or anything.... :o)-- her name is Alicia, and she's 17.

i have been hanging out with Alicia quite a bit - and now she has asked me to disicple her. so yea, last night we hung out, and did some deliverance stuff-- we're working through steps to freedom.

i'm also discipling this 15 year old girl named Jenni-- totally different story-- her dad is the pastor of a cell based church. she's solid.

and i'm meeting with this 24 year old girl named Abby often to pray, and share-- she's kind of discipling me/ we are disicpling eachother.

anyway-- i'm really excited about all of these teenage girl relationships i've been able to get into! i've been praying for this...i find that i can do the "train" part of "capture, train, deploy" much better with a 17 year old girl, than with a 45 year old man at re:cre8.

hallelujah for these divine opportunities.
please pray that i may use them effectively - that these girls will be blessed through me this summer.

praise Jesus.



Me blog on this again?

Ok...so here I am for a second time...but instead of a word from the Lord I simply have a prayer request.
On Friday, May 26th (that is this Friday) I have an audition with Aumentare Productions for their 2006/07 performance slate. I am supposed to have two contrasting monologues prepared by then, but I only found out today that my audition was going to be such short notice, so I'm really worried that I am not going to have my stuff up to par. So can you guys just pray that if it's God's will for me to get into acting next year that this works out...and if it's not His will that I completely fail.
I just feel really called to this ministry because there is not alot of Christianity within the theatre...and it would give me a chance to stay and keep up relationships in the Vancouver/Victoria area. So, I am praying that God's will is done, but also against anxiety on my part for this audition.
So if you can keep me in your prayers for Friday (my audition is at 11:10 am) that would be awesome.
Be blessed.
-Champ out

Keep moving. If you stop, you are in danger!

Backslider is a harsh word. When we think of a backslider, we think of someone who has really blown it, whose life is in the pit. But did you know that you can come to church every Sunday and still be a backslider? That’s because backsliding is a matter of the heart.

Now you might say, “I still go to church, when I can find the time. I still read the Bible, if I get around to it. And I still obey God, unless it conflicts with what I want. But I wouldn’t describe it as backsliding. I’m just not as active spiritually as I once was.”

Consider this: the moment that you cease to progress as a Christian is the moment when the process of backsliding will potentially begin. When you cease to go forward, it’s only going to be a matter of time until you start going backward.

We as Christians constantly need to be aware of falling away and backsliding. The Bible warns that in the last days there will be many who will fall away. I have to keep my guard up, because if I am not moving forward as a Christian, I will be moving backward. There is no standing still. It would be like parking your car on a hill and putting it in neutral. In the same way, if I put my Christian life in neutral, if I stop seeking to learn and grow as a believer, I will naturally go the wrong way. I will go backwards. I will go down.

Keep Moving(Big 'M')! If you stop, You are in Danger(Big 'D')!

~Joshua Out~
2 Peter 3:17–18

Denise and Joel- Words of Victorious Strategy!

Denise and I just finished praying through some decrees for the session with a focus on Vancouver. We've come up with some strategies and encouragements for you guys. Weigh these words and put them to good use.

First thing is, we both seperatly sensed that you aren't praying the Bible together and that you need to be. That's what we're sensing anyway. If you are, maybe you just need to pick it up a bit. Press in, these are hard times.

The biggest thing I have was not to be on the defense. This is a time to attack! God has declared to us, His people, that we would step on the head of the serpent. Jesus said we would have the authority to crush the serpents and scorpions. So get on the offense! Fight! Don't just pray for protection, but be intentional about seeking out the enemy and praying against it. Step out in your authority and fight! You are above and not beneath the enemy. So stand there and take the devil down! Come on, FIGHT!!!

I really just want to agree with Joel on many things. Praying the Bible - if you aren't doing it together, please start. I really feel like this can and will bring such corporate strength for you all. And if you are doing it, press in!!!
We prayed some Decree's this morning and some stuff really stuck out to me as I prayed for you...get out your Decree books, friends! =) I won't type out what I got(even though I want to!), though I do want you to read it...please.

Page 19 - Victory.
"The weapons of my warfare..." That's for the DTES.
"I am not intimidated..." For all you lovely ladies there - Take your authority!!!
"In Christ, I am the head..." For ReCre8

Page 33 - Spiritual Strength.
"I am strong in the Lord..."
"I build myself up in holy faith..."
"By Him, I can run through a troop and I can leap over a wall."

Stay strong and know that you are loved and being prayed for regularly. We are in this fight together, no matter where we may be in this world.

D ;)

One more thing; I know I keep talking about fighting. So how do we fight?
1.PRAYER! I keep pushing us to pray. What better a way to beat back Satan and all of Hell's forces than to call on the one who already won the victory? Keep praying! PTB!
2.Praise. Some times, nothing is more effective at routing Hell's armies than the heart felt high praises of YHWH. Learn to shout. And Dance! What a way to stand out in victory and freedom! Don't force a dance or a shout, because then you're just putting yourself in bondage to other's opinions and other garbage. But when that shout is stirred in your heart, or when you just feel like dancing, stand against Satan's lies and your wicked inhibitions and do it with all your heart, mind and strength!
3.Righteousness. Give no place to sin in your life, individually and corporately. Our hearts are protected behind a breastplate of righteousness. When there is sin in the camp, Satan has free reign to do his wicked work. So instead, give yourselves as slaves to righteousness! You are free to do so under grace.

That's how we fight. That's what the Spirit is saying to our body.

Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ! Amen.


Corprate fast for DTES!

So Hey Guys!

How is Everyone?

So In past We heard lots of battle news from our Friend's those are in DTES. Things are going crazy there day by day this time.

Today I Chat with katie and talked about the stuffs and the things which are currently happening in DTES! We talked about Corporate Fast and We decide that on coming Wednesday I mean Day after Tomorrow We all fast full day for the Ministry of DTES. We all know that Enemy always tried that We will bow down before him and never face him but we have to stand firm against the Enemy and face him Face to Face. We have to believe that If we will Stand Firm in Spirit and Faith then we will all flew with victory over Enemy. I talked with Andrew and Kristy. They said ok. Then I chatted with Andy Mac and that Word is also spread to Nicole and Brecakah. So we will fast on coming Wednesday For DTES.

Remember Coming Wednesday We will fight with Spirit against Enemy as a unity and will get the Victory in Jesus Name! Amen!

Blog Background!

Sorry Guys for making hard for you to read the post but now I changed The Settings!


Joel is fighting!

What up ya'll?

This last weekend was at youth councils. I blogged on it. Denise probably has/will. I think Doug did too. So I'll spare you another youth council blog, but let me just say God worked around fallibility, answered prayer, and gained victory in New England. Glory to God!

It sounds like there is lots of warfare across the board.. This is the time to press in. Learn to fight. Beg Holy Spirit to give revelation of the fight and what it means to fight and how we fight (for our battle is not against flesh and blood, but the rulers and powers and principalities of this dark age). This is just the beginning. The fight will only get harder until we overcome or until we give up and give in to a life of sleep and ease. As Joshua loves to say "it's time to put up or shut up." Do you call yourself a soldier? Learn to fight. This is the hour where we really draw our swords and engage. There's no where to retreat to. Fight hard. Cling to Jesus. Keep your eyes fixed on Him. It's been a consistent theme throughout the year. Hold fast to it. Fix your eyes on Jesus again.

We WILL overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony.

I believe we shall win, if we fight in the strength of the King!

not a lot of time!!

Hi guys!!

Who changed the blog?!?! I may be the only one to say this, but can we change it back??? Seems too busy for people who live simple lives - and I'm finding it hard to read...making me dizzy.

I don't have a lot of time to write this, so I'll say what I can quickly and then Joel can fill you in on the rest later...I'm waiting for him at the moment to ptb then I'm off for my first day at the Family Store(thrift store). I'm a little nervous, but know it will be great and God has some amazing things in store for that place.

This weekend we were lucky enough to attend the Northern New England Youth Councils. It was AMAZING to say the least. We got to meet more of the teens from Bangor on Friday afternoon and spent the 2.5 hour car ride laughing it up and getting to know them better. Good times!
The minute I stepped onto the camp grounds, I knew that we were in for a real spirit-filled weekend. It was spirit led, for the most part, and let me tell you, lives were CHANGED!! Praise the Lord!
Oh! I wish I could get into specifics RIGHT NOW! But sadly there's just not enough time.
I did get to meet many of Olivia's friends though didn't get to know them too well, and also got to spend a little time with Jeremy(they call him J-Train here), an incoming student. It was nice to pray with him and get to know him and his heart a little bit - pray for him.

Joel just arrived...time for me to scoot.

I love you all!!!
Time to Pray the Bible!!



Here Come's An Indian!

So Hey Guys,

First of all, I changed the look of our Blog! If you did not like it just let me know. I will change that.

How are you? I am well hope you all are too. Today we went to Church and Everyone of the Church Prayed for me and Anoint me for my Summer Placement.

We have rain today and weather is Chilled.

I had the good last few days. I visited 2 houses.

Thursday afternoon We went to a Town and We had the Senior Gathering Meeting and We worship and preached their and Prayed for Healing for the old People's. Oh Man I Never meet a person Which is up to 80 and on that Day I met a lady Who is going to 100 year old on the Coming October. Wow! Awesome. I talked with him and It was good. I just went to her and ask her How are you Grandma and She just hold my hand and say nothing 5 minutes, 10 minutes nothing and I am sitting and Looking at her with smiling face and I realized that She is unable to speak but suddenly one Lady come told me that She is from Norway and going to 100 I said awesome. Then She Introduce me again with her. That she come from India and she started to speak and I shocked.

On Friday, I worked at Thrift store and Then We went to play basket ball. My First Ball Basket ball Match and The good Thing is that I score. Woo. In Evening we had the Junior Soldier Party and I hang around with kids. We went to swim and That was my First time for Swim and Still I don't know How to swim but it was fun. In Evening we watched the movie Bride and Prejudice. Wow After 8 and 1/2 months I saw my Homeland and heard the language I miss my Home.

So just know the officers are left for 5 weeks for their French training in Saskatoon University. And I am alone at Home. Guys, I don't know How to cook So it will be Hard for me. So Please pray for me.

Prayer requests : -
1. Pray for Church here
2. Pray for People's That I will be able to talk with them and Fellowship with them.
3. I will follow Jesus.

The Other prayer request is that I submitted my Visa Extension Application on Last Saturday from Vancouver.

Love you and Miss You Guys.



So, there's been a lot of warfare here in Vancouver since everyone has left.

We prayed through some of it on wednesday night after recre8 (just a lot of the enemy trying to confuse us and junk) And also being that there's 6 girls here, it seems like respect from guys on the street has dropped since all the War College guys left. So, pray against that!

And, my room got broken into as well. Melissa, they stole our beautiful mirror! But praise the Lord nothing they stole was to incredibly important. Just a lot of earthly possesions actually.

So, yeh, just a lot of crap and attack.

Other than that things are great! I'm getting used to the fact that everyone is gone (although you are all still missed!!) and i'm getting close to the girls i'm working with. They are amazing! And, i finally cut off my hair (not all of it of course!) Holly did it and she did a great job! Hope everyone is well! Love you all!!!


Blog London

London is money, the Gill's are cash, and Phil plays Uncle kracker a lot on his electric guitar. My story's in the email. Top Banana.


Dan Likes Pink Monkeys with green wings that look like beanie babies, nice arms qualify you to be a good dentist, and Dan is beautiful. It's London Baby! Londons calling yeah yeah yeah! My stories on my blog, www.xanga.com/kurt_lennon


Just a few pictures...as promised

Here are a few shots from the party. Don't want to show too many or it will ruin the surprise at grad. Cheers. Kir xox

(click on them to see them bigger)

So I promised myself that I wouldn't conform and do this Holy Session blogging thing again BUT last night I was in the Metrotown War Room from 1 am - 4 am and the Lord gave me a word for our session.
I started praying and I was going to get a Psalm from the Lord for each of you Holies but simply after three the Lord said: STOP.
So I stopped. He then told me to write down a message to the Holies as a group.
We - in our summer placements - are like Gideon's Army. We may be small in numbers but we are POWERFUL in strength. The Devil is running as invade new territory but he's already started to gain a bit of momentum back and it's only been one week.
We as a session are SO busy praying for each other and our placements that we are misplacing our praise and worship to YHWH!
I challenge you: ALWAYS PRAISE! ALWAYS WORSHIP! God is faithful to us - we need to remain faithful to Him.

This is OUR desire
To honour You
Lord with all our hearts
We worship You
All we have within us
We give You praise
All that we adore is in You

Lord, we give You our heart
We give You our souls
We live for You alone
Every Breath we take
Every moment we're awake
Lord, have Your way in us

Spend time in the Psalms this summer and remember as you're praying for your session mates and placements to ALWAYS be praising!
That's about all I gots to say about that.
-Mr. Champ

Big Mac Attack

Hey guys,
Can you guys pray for the teens here...
There is some real spiritual warfare here...
I prayed for them this morning and I know things are going to get crazyhard in a little bit.
I have started a small discipleship group on Tuesday nights, can you guys pray for that specifically?? That they would be open and feel free to talk.
Keep praying for the outpost too, things are really good, lots of Favour (Favor) so far, pray for more.
We need some deliverance and stuff too, so pray for that. (the kids I mean)
Other than that I feel like God is about to lay the smackdown on the Devil soon...
I wanna be there to see it, should be exciting.
Anyways thanks for the prayer so far.
Pray for Beracah's visa extension too, favour (favor) for that.
Bless you guys, Miss you.
Plans, hope, future.
Andy Mac

Hellmuth is saved!!

We went to Denny's after Friday night recre8 like we used to do. We had a minute of silence in memory of those who used to come... Matthew, Phil, Juanito. Adam came this time and spoke some bold words to Hellmuth about accepting Jesus and we really believe that Hellmuth believes!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!! Praise the Lord for Hellmuth.
Anyways, things are going great except that I have been eaten alive by bed bugs. My forehead is so swollen and so is my neck, it's just awful. Please pray that I stop getting bitten by those nasty things.
I've been praying for you guys in the War Room and I feel that God is really using this time to mature us all. That looks different in all of us but he is definately maturing us in our relationship with him. PTL! Keep fighting strong! And something that God has been telling me is to look to him at ALL TIMES! When things are tough, just KEEP LOOKING TO HIM!!! He has all the answers and has the perfect plans, he can not fail! KEEP YOUR EYES FIXED ON GOD ALONE!!!
I love you all and miss you all too!!!


aight...andy assured me there would be no hard feelings for me to post on your blog...so take it up with him if there are any! haha

first of all...bless you all...man i am sooo encouraged by the unity and intamcy of your session...keep it up!

and stephen court...commenting on every post, wow now thats a first! (watch me get no comment...but now what i have said that i will get one...or will i) anways...

ya Victoria..wow God is good. since we have been here beracah and I have allready both scored employment and housing. beracah starts work on tuesday, i am working at this mental health group home making lots of money do do nothing (infact i am at work right now writing this blog) and we move into our new crib on june 1. its in a great location, and great for community..thanks for praying...

andy is doing a fantastik job out here...but there was never any doubt in that...relationships with the teens are being accelarated and we are really excited to see what fruit will come out of those...

so from Victoria to the rest of ya...GOD BLESS YA!


oh, and that is the coolest thing i have ever seen (to the left) of the world map and the red dots from where people are that have viewed this site...cool!


From far away in Vernon...

Hey guys,
Things are really good here in Vernon. The Lord is blessing me with a lot of new things...
I must confess that I am feeling a bit lonely. I know that I am not alone and it's just different and it will take time for me to adjust. I know it all in my head, but I would really love and appreciate prayer support so that this transition can be smooth.
I live in a big house (okay, big compared to my tiny room in the Balmoral) all alone in a pretty quiet area of town. I'm just adjusting to a lot of differences. I met some guys at Narc Park and told them to stop by my place at anytime, that the door is always open. Later on, however, I realized that that's probably not the safest thing. I keep forgetting that I don't have the luxury of lots of people around. Don't really want a strange man knocking on my door at 10pm when there's no soul in sight and I'm alone...
I am heading up the 24/7 prayer room here, so that's really awesome.
A few things are different than I expected so I am facing some unfamiliar territory, so pray for wisdom, love and influence...and the whole loneliness thing. I don't want to miss what the Lord has for me!
Don't get me wrong - things here are really rolling and I have a lot of flexibility to work within my giftings and there are a lot of people hungry for some new teaching. Praise the Lord! I'm trying to pull in 3 hours/day at the prayer room to really focus on Jesus and His heart for Vernon, and of course, the salvation of souls.
Blessings my fellow soldiers in the faith and praise be to the Eternal One.
Kir xox

holy cat farm, batman!

so a few cool things happened recently--

1) the Polancos have a second summer intern (what blessed corps officers they are!). his name is Ian, and he is living with us for a month...i guess that he met the brigade of y'all who came down here (jenea, jill, regan, phil mariot?)--seriously, he's such a fireball, and such a Loveslave. he's gotta come to the war college, revolution session. i wouldn't be surprised if he did...but pray for him, his parents are opposed to the whole idea.

2) i got to do some real pastoral stuff yesterday. josh and i went to this OLD lady's home because she couldn't get out of bed and needed help. in the end, i got to pull a michael collins (change her diaper), and then feed her cats. as you may know, i'm no animal lover (to say the least), but these were-- SEVEN cats that hadn't eaten in a month-- so skinny, with patches of hair missing, and sunken in faces...*shudder*...so gross. i thought they were going to gnaw my leg off before i could find the can opener.
phew. anyway, all in a days work for a Corps officer.

3) josh, ian and i prayed the bible together for the first time. 1 hour. it was ROCKIN'. seriuos-- such unity. and freedom. and passion. we almost couldn't stop. it was wonderful-- hallelujah. more Lord!

anyway-- love you all very much.
i pray for you. you pray for me. :o)


Joel, comin at you straight out of Bang town!

Hey, so I keep hearing about the weather in Vancouver being all nice and stuff. I think we took the rain with us, because it was nice, until we got here. Then it started raining. Stinking Vancouver rain in Bangor...

So it's almost lunch time. Well... it is lunchtime... We eat at the soup kitchen at the Corps. It's good times, just like back in Vancouver.

I got a little lost yesterday. Hurray! But my expert driving and navigating skills eventually led me home, after about half an hour of wandering around Bangor. Denise is laughing histerically at me. Thanks Denise.

Hey, everybody keep praying! Some of us have tough stuff to fight through, some of us have it easier, but everybody needs to be diligent to continue in prayer for one another and for our placements. So PRAY! PRAY! PLEASE PRAY!!!!!

I love you guys. May the love, grace, and great peace of Christ dwell in you richly as you serve Him with gladness!


s'up Holies.
So, the weather got beautiful when you guys left. Sucks that you have to miss is. However, I think I'd take rain every day if it meant you guys all didn't have to be so far away! *tear* This summer is definitely going to have its challenges as I've been seeing already. But, I'm liking the intimacy-it's taking me to the next level in participation in community, that's for sure!

Tonight, I'm going to see Natalie MacMaster - as most of you probably have no idea who i'm talking about, she's this absolutely amazing fiddler and dancer from cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, so really close to the east coast of Canada. She lives my culture so I'm SERIOUSLY excited to see some killer fiddling, east coast style.

Almost time for Kneedrill.

Stay close to Jesus, friends!

Love you all!
- Jill


Jenea sitting alone in 705

Oh man! There is no way I can keep up with all of these posts, there is so many!!!
Well, I'm still here in the DTES, home swett home. My schedual's nuts. I have alot to do but nothing till after lunch time, Funny Stephen Court's trying to cute my schedual and I'm trying to find thing's to fill it, just like me I guess.
I miss you all so much! Don't ask me howmany times I have just gone up to 705 and just sat on the couch. Okay, I'm not that wiered...or am I. lol Sorry I don't have anything axciting to write about yet. Same old same old here, just X's 2. Pray that everything will go good here and I'll be doing the same. I love you all
-Grace and Blessings your way- MJ

An Indian from Melfort!

So Hey Guys,

How are you? I am very well in Melfort and enjoyig my Every single moment.

When I got off in Saskatoon from my Plane and came outside what I saw Wowwwwwwwwwwww! Totally Flat area like a desert.

I got home after 2 hours drive.

My First day was started at 8 am when I helped to loading the cloth's baggages. Oh, Man some bag's are really bigger than my size and their were 100's of baggages and we took three Hours to load in a big truck.

On My second here, I called my buddy Matthew Champ and We had the good talk and time

It's really big summer. I got my book where I got Every list what I have to do.

One thing that I really like here whcih are people. Really Guy's These people's are loving.

I am realy looking forward for my summer and Specailly my preaching time I am preaching 11 Sunday's here.

So That's all from Melfort.

But One thing more that I really miss you guys.

Joshua Out~

mexican rocks out too ALICE cooper

i whent too see alice cooper yesterday it was freaking great..... the old fart stiil know how to get jiggy with it... i'll take that back he not a fart... he rocks!!!!.any who just wanted too say bye and Keep on trucking.....

Katie's first ever blog

Wow this is a stretch for me to blog! Well Vancouver is awesome, way more relaxing then War College so far. Spending lots of time in the War Room and hanging out with everyone here. Right now I am in cell and we are going outside cuz it is so beautiful out. All our recre8 friends miss you all. I am glad everyone got to their placements safely. I hope to hear more from all of you and I will keep updating you guys whats going on in the DTES. BLESS YOU ALL!!!!!!! I've been praying for you all too!!


This is a message for Jacynta. Please e-mail me!! I have tried twice to send you a message and both times its come back to me - grrrr!!!

Its been great to read everyone's thoughts on their assignments - keep 'em coming!

Here we've been hearing some interesting stuff for the Corps during PTB so that's been kind of neat...we're also PTB for a lot longer - its just been happening that way!! Weird.
Oh, and today, Joel learned how to drive a 15 passenger van. He did well. Other than the times when I told him bad directions and got him all nervous!!! ha! It was fun just driving around town and having him practice his parking.

Love you guys!

TWC Holy Session Blog!

hola chicos y chicas como are you...? as para mi am bueno y you...? dude manitoba freaking rocks am good!!!! so far so good... P.T.L. any who LOVE you all and keep on TRUCKING FOR GOD... hasta latters

Mel in Adelaide

Hey everyone!

Well, after 2 car rides, 3 airplanes, 1 bus shuttle and 25 hours of traveling I made it to Australia yesterday (Tuesday). It might sound funny but it didn't hit me that I would be in a country where I'm the only one who has my accent until I reached Sydney where I actually was the only one with my accent. (Understanding a little bit of your life Dan)

Adelaide is quite nice, very quaint. Its like a mini big city, if that makes sense. We had cell yesterday which are the same cell talks as in Vancouver! Pretty sweet, a small dose of home. I even managed to stay awake and listen.

I've only been here 2 days and I've already had an AB with Rachael (they're pretty good Steve) and Fleur took me to the Adelaide zoo today! I got to pet and feed some very cute wallabys, it was like the petting zoos we have but instead of a goat it was a wallaby!

Still figuring out what I'm doing here...lots of options! Very excited to be here, the girls are great (Fleur, Rach & Lisa).


PS I have a blog! melissawight.blogspot.com


Greetings from Campbell River

Hello Family!

We arrived in Campbell River today. This place is beautiful in the summer! Looks like we will be doing a bit of everything here, from discipleship, youth, missions, and helping Ocean Crest corps in their quest to start an outpost on a nearby island. We are looking forward to the challenge.

A funny thing happened last night. Darren, Xander, Matt C and I went to the US border to sort out Darrens and Xanders visas. Well we were all refused entry to the United States and turned back to Canadian customs. They gave us this white coloured card. Guess what they called it??? I know you are not trying so I'll tell you. A flag pole! Weird ey? Anyway we asked if the customs officer could give us a real flagpole to walk around and take back with us to Canada. He didn't think it was very funny. I wonder why? Some of those guys need to lighten up a little.

Anyway good to hear from so many of you guys. I'm keeping you all in my prayers.

Go for souls and go for the worst!

The String man...

Victoria . . . the little Vancouver

Hey all,
Sorry to be the first to leave and not be able to say goodbye to you all (dont sweat it Ashley).
Its been great I have been in Victoria for about 3 days now, and I have already seen some of the teens, had a meeting with the corps officer, had a meeting with some crazy people starting an outpost and preached.
I am looking forward to the summer here, Mike and Amy (my hosts) are great and I feel spoiled.
I miss you guys already and I cant wait till I get to see you all again.
Stringers, we're on the same island, and we come from the same island (i made that up just then, What was I thinking??)
Nicole and Beracah are out looking for places to live so please pray for them.
I feel blessed to have people I know here.
For all of you sticking it alone... God bless you!!!
I love you, I have really fond memories, ones that will tide me over until we can make some more.
I will keep you posted, but until then,
Stay Strong, Keep Fighting, and above all,
Andy Mac

It's hot in Vernon

Oh my goodness - Vernon is like a dry sauna. But praise the LORD!
I just moved into my new home - the ministry house - here in Vernon BC.
I drove up with Jonathan, Carla and the little Jedi master himself.

Some cool things - there is a 24/7 prayer room attached to the back of my house (like an annex). I've spent about 3 hours in it already. It's very po-mo here :P

The Talkin Donkey is really cool. I was expecting something more along the lines of Re:Cre8. Oh man, it's better than Starbucks. They want to use some of my photography which is awesome, and they have an open mic on Fridays, so I'm hoping to get onto that.

Lots of stuff to process, but I'll write more later as it solidifies. Grace to you all. I miss you all already :( If someone has a list all email addresses from our session, please email me kirsten.ivany@gmail.com . Thanks

P.S. I have some rad shots from the party that I'll post soon. Blessings!
P.P.S. It's so weird (and great) to not have to wear flipflops in the shower. Woohoo

From the lips of children...

We prayed for you all today at Warrior Academy. Throughout the summer we are going to be doing listening prayers, drawing pictures, and making cards for you guys. Please e-mail me your addressess where you are staying for the summer so that I can mail them to you, and you can be encouraged by the little Warriors.

It's too quiet around here without all of you. You are loved and missed and prayed for.


Pics from Maine

Unfortunately, I cannot see the pics on the page here to be able to tell you what they are in order. I'm going to guess!!

Joel sleeping...hmm, surprised? This was at the Toronto airport when our flight got cancelled and we were waiting for the next flight.

Look! Joe was in Maine for less than 24 hours and already he's got a band!!!! =)

First night in Westbrook and Joe got a plate of cookies from the next door neighbour. They were SO yummy!!

One last photo before Joel & I headed off to Bangor.
so, i'm here in the south side of Chicago (for those who don't know, that is similar to saying the eastside of Vancouver-- it has a bad reputation), and i'm loving it.
the Polanco's are lovely-- they are sweet, yet tough and give it to you straight, and they are all about primitive Salvationism. they're both fed up with the fat spirit and with legalistic minutes that waste time...and they are stirring it up. they face a lot of opposition...keep them covered in prayer.

they have two lovely little girls-- Kayla, who is 3, and who loves Disney princesses, and Aleena who is 7 months, and who is a little ball of chub. so cute!

tonight is "infyuz" (their teen youth group), and i'm a bit nervous. i'm already on to teach hip hop tonight, and to give my testimony, and teach on listening prayer. please pray for me for tonight! i really feel that this listening prayer stuff will be KEY for these teens.

i've also been chatting with Lieutenant Jen about starting up a teen girl cell. it's in the works, and it'll be WONDERFUL once we get it going.

next weekend is women's camp...woohoo.
and this june is territorial congress...yea.

onto the personal stuff--
my rations, prayer time, and PTB have been SO much more impactful since i've been here. i don't really know why. i guess since i'm feeling a little bit alone, and kind of vulnerable, i'm just falling deeper in love with Jesus because He's all i have. and all i need. also...the Lord has been placing something deep in me for these teen girls-- i guess it's intercession. when i pray for them i just weep, and i don't even know them yet. it's interesting. but really good.

in closing-- we need to pray more. if we are all on our knees we can change the world. seriously...this is so strong on my heart-- we need to pray.

i prayed 1 thessalonians 3 and 4 (holiness) over y'all today, as well as ephesians 6 (armor of God).

stand firm.


Greeting from Bangor!!

Hey, it's our first day ever in Bangor! This keyboard is too hard for m,e. See? Anyways...

So Sunday our flight from Toronto to Boston was cancelled. Doug Burr wrote about it on his blog. Apparently they had problems last year. Denise got finger printed. That dirty criminal!

We're in the sanctuary after about an hour of praying the Bible. Then Doug came in and told us he had errands to do and that we were on our own. Cool. So killing some time doing something semi-productive...

Thank you Joel for that ever so insightful look into the past few days!!! Yes, I was detained at the border, but not for long thankfully.
We hung out with Joe at his placement on Sunday night(well, we actually didn't get there until midnight!), so we stayed there for the night. I'll let him tell you all about it - I'll just say that I think he's going to fit in with the family well!! Hopefully I'll post a couple of pictures soon.
Hmmm...yeah...we really are killing time here. So that's enough from me!!
Love you all and looking forward to hearing about where you're all at.


& Joel!



Table Grace (By Joshua)!

Table grace was originally intended to help people turn their attention to God. The meals we share are a gift from God, and He is to be thanked, but we are also to reflect on the many other good things we are given. By praying morning and noon and night, we cover our day with a knowledge of God's presence and abiding love. We should take every opportunity to sing praises to God for all that He has done. Take time to pray. Make time to share your life with God.

---Joshua Out!

Party Photos

posted by Andrew S)

Rock star Melissa!

I'm happy, really!!
Looks like someone is in trouble....

Go Boyd!

Dan the smiley man
Joe the stud!


all alone

so, it didn't really hit me that everyone is really gone until i walked into my room and only my stuff was there. And then the tears came. I know it's not goodbye but i really am sad everyone is gone! I managed to say goodbye to everyone except Andy mac...sorry! It was definitly worth waking up at 4:50 am to say goodbye to yall!

Well, i hope everyone has had safe trips and i wish you all a great summer! can't wait to see everyone again in August!

Love you All,



Summer Placement

Hello Fellow Holies!

We are trying to resurrect this blog once again, this time for our time away on summer assignment.

Please write in often and let us know how the Salvation war is coming on your front.

I have added a link drop down list on the side toolbar of every holy session blog I'm aware is in existence. If you have one and it's not on the list, it's because I've never come across it. Let me know and I'll update it.

Anyway guys, I'm praying that you all have an awesome summer. I know God is going to use us mightily everywhere we go.

Much Love and peace!

Andrew S

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