
Quick prayer request!

So, i've been offered a job as youth director/Corps Assistant in Leesburg, Fl. and i am about 90% positive i am going to take it. I am going down there this weekend to meet with the corps officers (who are good friends of the family!)

They are going to pay for a 2 bedroom apartment for me, give me a corps vehicle and cell, give me my own office with a new computer, and let me teach kids/teens along with other random corps duties (and the possible disaster work...hurricane season is a coming!)...but i am siked. I am ready to be independent and start heading towards the path of officership...as scary as that sounds!

So, prayer would be much appreciated as i move toward this next step (which i have been looking for for what seems like forever!) of my life...both a beginning and an end.

Love you all!



From Vancouver

Hey guys. Things are generally going really well for me. Work is good. Exercising and stuff, so that's good, making lots of friends...
But my rations suck. Really badly. I've been struggling all year and just can't seem to get out of this ditch.
The LORD is faithful and is still speaking to me and through me, which is good, but as far as the discipline of setting aside an hour a day to be alone with the LORD...not happening.
I wanted to give an exciting update, so sorry it's not more exhilarating, but that's where I am at.
Love you guys. Miss you.
I want to hear how everyone is doing.


your prayers requested

You all, my beloved friends, can be in prayer for the Corps here in Bangor. The Burr's have received farewell orders and will be heading off the Rhode Island to do a new job(for them anyway)as area commanders.
The officers coming into Bangor are young, and have vision(from what I've seen and heard), though moving into this Corps will not be easy for them.
Please pray for smooth transition for everyone involved.

Also, the Lord has been showing me that there may be some tough times ahead for us here, and that I may be the one to step out and really raise my voice to defend him....yikes! I'm a little nervous about this, though I know its got to happen.

Pray for the Burr's as well. They have only been given 4 weeks to pack, farewell and say their goodbyes before heading out of Bangor. Pray for their new post as well...God has great plans for Rhode Island, as He does for Bangor.

Denise =)

that's 2 in one week for me....its someone else's turn now!


bloggin' in bangor

So here I am, sitting in my office(if that's what you want to call it), thinking of things to share with you all.

I agree that its time to get this blog rolling again - come on folks, we(I) want to know how you're doing. Haven't heard from some of you in a while...get to blogging!

As for me, I'm doing well, for the most part. Personally I'm doing a-ok. Its taken me a while to get used to living alone(that sucked, let me tell you), but I've overcome and I don't mind my apartment so much anymore(feel free to come visit anytime!). Our War College student(stephanie) is here for the summer, so the extra body in the house is nice. As of september I will have a full-time roommate...looking forward to that, I must say.

Spiritually I'm well too. We had Youth Councils this past weekend, which was a little draining, but Praise the Lord! it was amazing!!! God was there, Holy Spirit was there, and other than it being SO STINKING cold(seriously thought my nose was going to fall off), the entire time was well worth it.

Things have been tough for me financially, and with a student living with me and not getting very much compensation from the Corps for that, looks like the next months might be just as tight...though God knows what he's doing and is always watching out for me, sending lovely angel friends in to give me some help. I'm thankful to him and them! Having a permanent roommate in the fall, paying half the rent will be a huge plus.

hmmm....I think that's all for now. A little update from me.

now its your turn.

Love you! ;)


It's your friendly neighborhood floridian!

I miss this blog. I miss you guys. All of you.

I'm sitting at a starbucks posting this...starbucks is yummy...denise! (denise is yummy too!)

My soul is a little dehydrated. It's thirsty. I am guilty of the whole "I'm to busy" excuse for not spending time with God....and that is making me thirsty. But, i recognize my problem so i canfix it! Some prayer would be greatly appreciated though!

Well, gotta get going. Seriously though, i love you guys so much. There are no words to describe my love for you!



So lets get this blog rolling again...

How are you?
How's your soul?
Please reply...


I think facebook has killed this blog.

here's a pic for you to contemplate:

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