
Shalom, friends

Hello my sessionmates,
Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus Christ.
I've been praying and interceding a lot lately (a.k.a. crying) and it has made me miss all of you.
I pray for the JOY of the LORD to be your horn and that you would fight on and fight hard.
Rejoice in the LORD always (again, I say "Rejoice!").
God is here.
Christ IN you - Hope for the Nations.
Let Christ out in all that you do.
Kir xox


Our praise is limited only by our knowledge. The more we read and study the Bible, the better we understand God’s many attributes and assurances. Then, when difficulty comes, we can celebrate His past faithfulness while awaiting His promised help.

what's going on with roro?

for the few of you who don't know there was a knock at the door of the gillinghams place wednesday evening. i didn't want to get up, for i had just sat down to eat dinner, but i did, only to find a matthew champ on my doorstep.

he came to visit for the weekend. it seems that i was the only one who didn't know about it. it was definitly a nice surprise. so, with the exception of thursday i got to hang out with him and his family. i like him, he's a good boyfriend.

which gets me to thinking, not many of you know what is up with us. so, i'll let ya'll know. we are good. this long distance thing is definitly hard, but it's going well. we obviously don't see eachother much, but we talk on the phone quite a bit.

he's busy with school and i'm busy hanging out with hannah and jeremiah gillingham. i am also trying to spend more and more time with God, praying, reading the bible and studying. which leads me to today.

this morning i was checking friends blogs and reading e-mails and i got super sad and lonely for a bit. back home in seattle there are 3 friends of mine at the corps having babies real soon. joel and kim are getting married and getting all the preperations done for that. i found not not even a week ago that my younger sister, cera, is pregnant as well. she's due in june or july. this is a shock. but we're happy she's keeping the baby. so i'm gonna be an auntie real soon.

oh, and my friend loreen, some of you may have met her, has been accepted for officers training in the fall.

as you can tell there is a major change and growth going on back home in seattle with my friends and family. i have never felt so distant from them in my life. and so much of me really wants to be there to be apart of it all and observe this 'thing', this change, these joyous times. so, i got really sad and was questioning God again on why i am here in london. i felt dry, alone, barren. some tears came, but not many.

soon after all this ian came home from a field trip with his son., derek. and we started talking about israel and the jewish people and such things. and i finally told him when it was when God called me to london, to live with the gillinghams. it was while i was in intercession for israel this summer in b'ham. ian gave me some good words and encouragement. he has reccomended a few books i read about israel ad it's history and God's heart for israel and such things. i felt i was being fed. i was being watered. God was answering my prayer.

so, i feel a bit better. i know that God has called this time to dive into the word more and to grow an intimacy with Him. i am excited about this and still am wandering what this looks like. i'm slowly growing as God is slowly breaking/softening/molding/conforming my heart.

i miss you all. and i don't pray for you as i should be, so today in my ration time i will pray for each and every one of you. and matthew and myself would greatly appreciate your prayers for our relationship.


Attenion all Holy Terrors

We love you guys. We have been missing you and thinking of all of you often. We have no internet so we're kinda cut off from the rest of the world but we're trying to keep up with all your crazy adventures. We are praying for you all and hope to get in touch with you all soon.

In the service of the God of the angel armies...

Much love,
The Castles

Profound or unprofound?

Transparency is the key, if the light of Jesus is going to shine through us.



Update from the Boydser

I've been busy and my computer cord just got fried, so little time/access to internet. Still no excuse for not updating. Sorry!

I think I've been one of the idle ones Denise talked about. I got back into Seattle and I think some old stuff I'd recently grown into freedom in at Bangor and in Vancouver just kind of crept back up on me and latched on like a big dead rotting body. I was quenched in my spirit, lackadaisical, lazy, and probably a bit legalistic in any kind of ration times, and all together very dissatisfied in it all. But you can't keep a soldier down. When I realized how crappy I'd become and how unfulfilled I was, I started praying for release from it all and tried to get out of it. Freedom really came when we had a "worship and justice conference" at my corps. The War college came down, I got to meet the Revolutionaries (they are the true bomb diggity and I'm proud to have them pressing down on my shoulders) and I finally broke put of the kind of held back/reservedness I had been wallowing in. It produced this death in me that effected every aspect of my relationship with YHWH and thus every part of my life. I guess I'm realizing I need to be outwardly passionate, or my spirit is just going to fall asleep. OOh... that just gave me an idea for a blog.... the wheels begin turning...

So pray for me. My corps is at a breaking point. Either we charge forward now and like bust out with the Spirit and in justice, or we wallow in death forever. The latter isn't an option, so pray that I might be diligent and faithful to YHWH to love Him alone and not be concerned with how the world views me. I must become more undignified than this, because when I hold it in, I can't breath. Pray for me.

so life's been interesting

Hi my fellow hollies
i'd thought i'd update thouse who read the blog on some things that have been going down in the world of Hope REnfrew. (Jacynta's and occationly my life)

So we have a wonderful person living with us (me when i'm there). Danille wrote the song bloom about her. we love her to bits, she loves us, even when she tells us she doesn't. and we have lots of eciting times like Tuesday when:
we had a prayer meeting at the house and just as JAcynta was thanking God that the house was a safe place the back door opened all by it's self and instaged fear in two residents life. we prayed through it, called the cops, worshiped and then i need a prohetic act of napping.

we are teaching our new friend what is acceptiable behaviour (she's never been taught). like when she knocked over a mail thing i ran down the street, jumped on her and told her that wasn't on and made her go pick it up.

O then we had rides in a shopping trolly. i screamed like a girl. i just had a few issues trusting someone who was running full tilt with me in the shopping cart when they had just been acting out alot.. but in all ended well. the whole trolly ride thing changed the envrioment and progess was made.

God is Good. God is hear and deliverance is just around the corner.
email me if the above doens't make any sence.



While I was praying for you all last night, I was reminded of a time this summer when in PTB we prayed for perseverance for you all after TWC. I went back to my summer journal and found what I had written out on August 10/06 - with instructions to share with you all at the end of September. Sorry, I'm a little late!!!

It comes from 2 Thes. 3:1-14

- No idleness among the session. There are idle warriors out there. Step it up, you've been trained, what's going wrong?

- Follow the traditions you have received(v.6)

Follow it! Follow it! Follow it!

"Those unwilling to work will not eat." I have a sense that this isnt' so much physical, daily work but rather spiritual work. Those of us who aren't working in the spirit aren't feasting in it.

Is that you? Having problems? Being idle and think you're not?

Check your heart and check your schedule. Look at your days. Seeing anything that may be off?

Put 2+2 together!!!

"Now may the Lord of peace himself give you his peace at all times and in every situation. The Lord be with you all." (v16)

D ;)


Love you Holies!



Take Justice Back Up and Running


It's been A LONG but we're back up and running.
The Justice League Take Two is back up and running.
There has been a little revamp to the style of how we're doing things though.
We are going to be posting topics, with a brief amount of information, that we are going to be attacking.
Then we would like to leave it up to the reader, as they feel compelled, to do a bit more research and write a letter to the MP's (e-mail addresses are listed on the site,) on the specific topic.
IF the reader doesn't wish to sign it themselves they can e-mail their letter to one of the following addresses:
and it will be fowarded onto the MP's from there.
At the bottom of each letter sign: Take Justice before your name - so that the government can know that we're back in business!
If you want an invite to be part of the group - just e-mail us or leave a comment on the site.
Take care all.
and above all:
Take Justice.


classic Kir

Great Kir quote - and if you were anywhere near Kirsten lately you would know that the early mornings at Starbucks are making her a little loopy(I'm not actually that far behind)

Jacynta and I were talking in the hallway at the apts this afternoon when Kir came running out saying...
"I almost died today and I just remembered!!!"

Good times in the apartments.

Love you!
D ;)

ps. Jacynta says "tell my holies I love them."


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