
Gettin' Home

Soo... ol' Craig-o here is flying into Seattle on the 3rd@ 3PM. And have to get home from there! Anyone know of a way I can accomplish this task?


Tara - faithfulness


Poem by Albert Orsborn, former General of The Salvation Army(Blogged By Joshua)

Poem by Albert Orsborn, former General of The Salvation Army

1. My Life must be Christ's broken bread,
My Love His outpoured wine.

2. A Cup o'erfilled, a table spread
Beneath His name & Sign,
That other souls, refreshed and fed,
Many share his life through mine.
My all is in the Master's hands
For Him to bless & break;
Beyond the brook His winepress stands
And thence my way I take,
Resolved teh whole of love's demands
To give, for his dear sake.

3. Lord, let me share that grace of thine
Wherewith thou didst sustain
The burden of teh fruitful vine,
The gifts of buried grain.
Who dies with thee, O word divine,
Shall rise and live again.

Yours Joshua

blog:- spaces.msn.com/members/joshuapauls
web:- www.freewebs.com/goodnewspauls
(Albert Orsborn)



Guys this is rad! Why didnt I see it earlier!
I am encouraged by your love for eachother and your disire to stay connected apart from the miles that tell differently!
I shall pull a Crystal and encourage you each individually. This is a word Jesus has for you, pray into it and receive it.
By the way, thanks Crystal for the encouragement it was very timely!
The following is in albabetical order.

Andrea - joy
Andrew - justice
Andy - healer
Anthony - strenght
Ashley - knowledge
Craig - clarity
Crystal - important
Dan - helper
Denise - goodness
Jacynta - compassion
Jenea - freedom
Jill - peace
Joe - key
Joel - wisdom
Juan - understanding
Kath - caretaker
Katie - grace
Kirsten - holiness
Kirsty - righteousness
Matthew - merciful
Melissa - warrior
Olivia - power
Phil - love
Rebekha - light
Sarvesh - humility

freakin' me gosh

what's crackilatin' fellow gospel gangsters?

dude there is NO WIRELESS INTERNET, or hardly regular internet for that matter in all of this stinkin' town! I have been going insane here, cause there's absolutely nothing to do. got sweet presents though. and spending time w/ my mom and sister and grandma, and w/ my dad's side has been fun. shot in a pool tournament w/ my dad and grandma and i got 5th place out of 22 people. i shot like poo though :( Anyways, i stinkin' miss all of you guys, this whole time i've just been waiting to hang out with my friends in vancouver and i get to see my hunny bunny joely boyd tomorrow! stayin' at kim dickinson's and watching sweet fireworks on new years! yep, so anyways can't wait to get bizzack to being "hip young urban missionaries". love in christ
joe the wizzest

Holidays in Florida

Being in St. Pete sucks! But it's GREAT! Translation... I've been missing everyone, and also when it's Wintertime it should feel like winter. But maybe that's just me. Point, It is a lovely bright and sunny 65-70 degrees right about now and that's just at 9:45 in the morning. Maybe I'll go sit and watch the sunset at the beach today, hmmm...

I just figured you'd all like some warm thought sent your way!

Lots of Love and Hugs!

RoRo's randomn thoughts

i am home . . . finally! i haven't been here since Christmas night. i have yet again spent the last three days with friends. i love my family but sometimes their hard to be around.

it is now 1:05 a.m. i can't sleep. man, i hope these sleeping patterns don't follow me home. speaking of home i wonder if the elevator in my hotel is fixed? anyone? i actually am almost looking forward to climbing them again. oh, how i miss the DTES and all my friends there.

i was just sitting and thinking of new years resolutions. i haven't made one since i was 12 to become a vegetarian. it worked, obvioulsy, so i don't know why i don't make them anymore. so i came up with a few. i won't list them here. i don't really want to type them all out.

so, i don't know who darren has talked to but i got a van to come pick whoever up who wants to come to seattle this weekend for new years. we will be at DHQ downtown seattle to watch fireworks! sounds good? you will only have to show up at the van with a little cash to help out with gas. we will arrive saturday at some hour. i will give you more details after i talk to darren about it.

well. i hope that as your break is winding down you are taking more time to rest. i hope to see you all bright and cheery-eyed when i see you next!

Jacynta: i got us a toaster oven!!! yeah, baby! and some shelves! miss you lots dear.

and in case you are curious my car still isn't fixed. it just needs spark plugs, a tune-up and something about a rotator cuff.

one more thing: does anybody know exactly what kind of information we need for our prophet study?


The Army Spiritual Life *Six Central Elements* (Joshua Paul)

The Army Spiritual Life (Six central Elements)

1. Its calling under God to engage in ministry to the unchurched.

2. The doctrine of the priesthood of all believers.

3. The essentials belief in the need for a personal saving faith in Jesus as Lord.

4. Our divine calling to holiness of life.

5. The use and theological significance of the Mercy Seat, symbolizing our mission for Souls.

6. Our obedience to the divine urge to minister to the social and material needs of others.

Yours Joshua

blog:- spaces.msn.com/members/joshuapauls
web:- www.freewebs.com/goodnewspauls

Church Bulletin Blunders

I got a bit of a laugh out of these. Hope you like them. Andrew S

1) Our next song is "Angels We Have Heard Get High."

2) Don't let worry kill you--let the church help.

3) Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our church and community.

4) Weight Watchers will meet a 7 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use large double door at the side entrance.

5) Jean will be leading a weight-management series Wednesday nights. She's use the program herself and has been growing like crazy!

6) The rosebud on the altar this morning is to announce the birth of David Alan Belzer, the sin of Rev. and Mrs. Julius Belzer.

7) This afternoon there will be a meeting in the South and North ends of the church. Children will be baptized at both ends.

8) Tuesday at 4:00 P.M. there will be an ice cream social. All ladies giving milk will please come early.

9) Wednesday the ladies liturgy will meet. Mrs. Johnson will sing "Put me in my little bed" accompanied by the pastor.

10) This being Easter Sunday, we will ask Mrs. Lewis to come forward and lay an egg on the altar.

11) A singing group called The Resurrection was scheduled to sing at a church. When a big snowstorm postponed the performance, the pastor fixed the outside sign to read, The Resurrection is postponed.

12) The eighth graders will be presenting Shakespeare's "Hamlet": in the church basement on Friday at 7 p.m. The congregation is invited to attend this tragedy.

13) The 1991 Spring Council Retreat will be hell May 10 and 11.

14) Pastor is on vacation. Massages can be given to church secretary.

15) Please join us as we show our support for Amy and Alan in preparing for the girth of their first child.

16) The associate minister unveiled the church's new giving campaign slogan last Sunday: "I Upped My Pledge--Up Yours."

17) The cost for attending the Prayer and Fasting conference includes meals.

18) The peacemaking meeting scheduled for today has been canceled due to a conflict.

19) Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the church. So ends a friendship that began in their school days.

20) Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person(s) you want remembered.

21) Attend and you will hear an excellent speaker and heave a healthy lunch.


Hi all,

If you could pray for me I would appreciate that. I'm really struggling at the moment(I'm a sobbing mess!).
Being a light to my family is becoming more and more difficult, and finding time for rations while being stuck in my sisters tiny apartment has also been hard. So yeah, I'm really having a rough go of things right now(spiritually, emotionally, physically). I do not have too many really close friends here in TO, and those that I do have left for Florida a couple days ago, so I feel as though I have no one to turn to(other than God, and He's been difficult to cry out to). Lack of sleep is a huge issue as well-for some reason, I can't sleep here.

Anyway, your prayers are appreciated.

Homework...for who ever you are!

Here's the homework as far as I know it...if there is more, others can add to this post!

1. 5 Recruits - Due January 3rd(so if you aren't back by then, make sure you get this e-mailed to Stephen *cough*ShaldonSquad*cough* ;)

2. Book Review - Due January 13th This is either 1 or 2 pages, I can't remember. Plus sharing with your partner

3. Dempgraphic study of your chosen city - Due Class #4 of MP. The syllabus does not say the date of the class...so...better to start now than wait for later!

4. Prophetic Activation - The syllabus says that there are presentations starting on January 10 and continuing into February. Does anyone know about this? I missed the last class and haven't got a clue what this is about!

5. Jonathan's class has 1 page reflections due pretty much at every class starting December 12th on prayer(check the syllabus)

Wow - that seems like a lot!

Hope this helps. I am looking forward to getting back and seeing everyone.

Denise ;)


Can anyone be so kind as to post what is due when or soon after we get back to school? I want to make sure I got everything done.


Hey everyone, I love you!

Wow, I didn't even realize I missed any of you until right this second! But I do!

Christmas was good. I got two Bibles and a commentary on the NT, plus two Christian t-shirts. Then my Grandma got me a homeless jacket. She told me she got it for me because I would fit in. So my Grandma got me some incarnational clothes. It was interesing how most of the gifts I got were geared toward my minestry.

I became far more aware of the gross commercialism not only of CHristmas, but the world in general. For instance, I walked by a video game store that had a sign for some two for one kind of sale. The sign said "The more you buy, the more you save!" I just burst out laughing. It was such a materialistic lie of society it was funny. Half a year ago it wouldn't have phased me. God's been changing my view.

We need a new way to celebrate. All of our holidays suck. Even Christmas, Christ mas, a blatently Christian holiday, has very little to do with the birth of Christ. Many churches actually shut down this Christmas. What does Santa, the tree, the exchange of gifts, or the eating of turkey/ham/whatever have anything to Jesus' incarnational birth into our world? It's a bit depressing. And the whole thing gets to be so stressful when you worry about wondering if they actually like what you got them and making sure you got everyone something and then faking like you actually like the ugly sweater grandma gave you. It feeds into this commercial and materialistic society we have. You can pull symbolism from the exchange of gifts, like Christ is God's gift to us and even from the tree, because Jesus is a branch of the root of Jesse (I think that's from Isaih) although they're both a stretch and neither the gift exchange or the tree really point to Christ. That all being said, we need a new way to celebrate. Everything. Or maybe we need an old way to celebrate.

On a lighter and far more worldy note


Holy moly a laptop! My dad and grandapa spent all day out today shopping for one for me and now I have a laptop computer. Couple of crazies. It's going to be helpful and awesome having it. Sweet..... I've been telling them aobut the carnegie and my limited comptuer/internet access, so they got me a computer. It's nuts.

I showed my family pictures of the DTES and the hotels and stuff. I think they were pretty shocked at some of the stuff I told them.

Hey, you're all awesome. Seriously. And we're all hip young urban missionaries. Doesn't that just sound cool?

Jesus loves you and so do I.


Understanding of Sacrament(Blogged by Joshua)

Understanding of Sacrament , seeing our daily life and routine as a channel of grace:-

The best thing that goes on is nothing its is the
spaces, when we simply are to God and He is to
us. It is the daily routine which becomes a trans
parent sacrament of God's Presence and the
conatural vehicle of our being present to Him.
This is what is important. It is the Context for everything else.
(M. Basil Pennington)

Yours Joshua

Hey from Jill.

So everyone...

Hope the holidays are swell. Newfoundland is good-Christmas was REALLY snowy, but most of it has since melted. Has anyone ever heard of a ski-doo? It's like a sea-doo, only for snow! I think I'm going to go for a trip tomorrow with Josh. We'll make a campfire in the woods and that sort of thing. It's been crazy busy here-I rarely get a spare minute. Hopefully I'm not too tired by the end! Anyway, hope everyone is enjoying their break and had a happy Christmas. I must be off to bed. You guys are all in my prayers!

See you soon.


So get this guys, myself and juan are about to go to the airport and pick up a girl from Australia that is considering coming to the War College next year. We considered pllng tricks on her and stuff but thought that might not be a good thing. but yeah just thought you guys would like to be in the loop! Pray that she gets the vision and wants to come back next year!

Miss you all
Be safe!

Update from L-Town

Well...it's been awhile since I've said something worth saying...and I still really don't have anything worth saying except to say that I am alive. Christmas came and went...it does that every year, I could go on and explain the good points and the bad points about it but I just realized there's no point because two or three Christmases down the road I am going to have forgotten this Christmas and none of the memories will matter. For some Christmas is a special family time where memories are created, and yeah, I enjoy being with my family, but the other night we were sitting in the living room talking about Christmas memories and I just had NONE...like it was really weird, I just couldn't remember a good or bad Christmas.
I guess commercilism makes it even harder, but whatever...I'm just ranting and rambling about nothing so I'll sign out here.
I'm alive Vancouver and I miss you!
Coming home soon!


Christmas Wishes from Joshua

Dear Friends

First of all I wish you all A Merry Christmas and I pray to God that This Christmas Brings Lots of Blessings from God for you, your family and your future life.

So this my First Christmas in Vancouver, Canada that I never Imagined before in my Life that Once God will provide me a chance to go Vancouver to study his word and spend time in his presence and celebrate this Christmas.

This is my First Christmas that I am celebrating without my Family and I am missing them too much.

I celebrate this Christmas with my Goligoash Brother and I am very happy for that. We went to Southmount Church for the Christmas Service and after that We went to Andy's House and spent the night with them and Its great beacsue Their family so good and with me their is Andrew-Kirsty Stringer and Anthony-Andrea.

On Christmas eve I am very Exicted to talk with my Family and at 8:30 pm I made a Call to them and My Papa pickup the Phone and Wished me but When they given the phone to my Mom, She started to cry and Even she did not saying any word because Its our Christmas that they are going to celebrate so Its very hard for my Mum.

I am also missing them too much.

Once gain I am wishing you all A Blessed Christmas and Holy Days.

Please remember me in Your Prayer.


We hope everyone had a Merry Christmas

Hi everybody!

Just wanted to write and say a late Merry Christmas to everyone, we hope you all had a very blessed day and that you got to have some time out from your busy schedual to spend some time with the birthday boy.

Make sure you enjoy the rest of your holidays (don't forget all our assignments either!).

May God's blessings fall greatly upon you and your families.

Love you Brothers and Sisters!

Andrea and Anthony

oh my golly gosh!!!

I hope you had a happy christmas everyone!

From your golly gosh brother.

semi conscious const . . . whatever

Hey all what up??
Im at Darren's parents house, alone, Merry Christmas!!!
Thought id check up on you all . . . not really, i was actually just kinda hangin out doin nothing.
Sorry Darren woke me up at 4am Christmas morning (brought back memories) then he ditched me and went back to bed. Very disappointing.

Peace be with you all and joy to your families.

A Mac will be bac


Well Christmas is over for another year, and I'm behind in posting on the blog yet again. I pray you had a wonderful day and didn't eat too much. Take it easy guys. Us here who are manning the 'fort' are looking forward to seeing you all again soon.

Love you all.
Andrew S


A very ghetto Christmas

Top ten reasons you know you are having a ghetto Christmas when:

10. Instead of frilly decorative napkins we use toilet paper to wipe our mouths at the table
9. Instead of turkey and all the trimmings we have hummous and tacos.
8. Instead of getting all excited about presents under the tree, you get overly excited about gum in your stocking
7. When offered chips and juice after the holiness meeting you are more concerned about the five cent deposit of the empties than socializing and wishing people a Merry Christmas
6. Instead of stringing popcorn and singing Christmas carols around the tree we baked a cake and sang happy birthday to Jesus.
5. People come knocking on your door wishing you a holy incarnation instead of Merry Christmas
4. Family fight topics are not about whose going to do the dishes but whether or not you are truly being authentic and transparent
3. Instead of a fat man in waking you up trying to get down your chimney, you are startled startled to attention in the War Room by a pair of bottles of coke being lowered to your window on a chain of shoelaces.
2. Instead of roasting chestnuts on an open fire, we salivate while watching the ice melt on the shrimp ring.

And the number one reason you know you are having a ghetto Christmas...

Instead of egg nog to serve, there is only curdled Hazlenut creamer with an Austrailian exclaiming, "Why didn't anyone TELL me that you shouldn't drink curdled coffee?"

We all love you and miss you! Thanks to those who called...

Jacynta, Kath, Mia, Juanito and Tara.

Happy Christmas

Mine?! Mine?! Mine?! That's the word that I heard over and over again this morning from my 2 year old nephew, Tanner. Funny thing is that is wasn't a greedy "this is mine" sort of thing, it was a serious, almost surprised question - "mine?!" Kids are super fun at Christmas...minus the fact that they had us up REALLY early this morning. My sister is already napping and we haven't even eaten dinner yet!!

The highlight of my day so far was my niece, Brooklyn. This morning when I opened up my present(a nice new NLT!) she asked me if the story of the first Christmas day was in it. After telling her yes, we read it together. Since then we have read it twice more and been through Jonah, Daniel and the feeding of the 5000!! She's 5, eager and hungry to learn more. PTL! My family are not saved, so the fact that she already knows so much makes me so happy.
Please pray for them, and for me as I spend my last week of holidays here in their home. It can be difficult at times.
I pray that you are all having a wonderful,
Holy Christmas. I am looking forward to getting back to routine(haha!! Routine!!)and seeing you all again.

Denise ;)


Dan all i can say to your post is....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! You may be able to take the man out of the DTES but you can't take the DTES out of the man, yours just applies in a more literal sense! It did make me laaugh though, i do feel for you though, seriously.....but still funny!

Anyway back to the point!

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or MERRY INCARNATION DAY!!!!!!!!!!! Whichever tickles your fancy!

I woke up at like 6:30am this morning, no it was not intentional, and my parents sent me a box of presents at the beginning of the month, so i grabbed those and opened them all up and got some cool stuff but anyway, i always wondered why we give gifts to each other when it is Jesus Birthday? And it suddenlt hit me, the whole when you do it to these you do it to me! So when we give gifts to one another its like giving gifts to Jesus! Well thats my angle and I'm sticking to it unless someone can convince me otherwise! CHALLENGE!!!!

But seriously, it makes a lot more sense, don't you think?

Anyway I have not had enough sleep aand am thinking way to much! My parents should be calling soon! YAY

I just wanted to say Merry Christmas and we will be thinking of you guys today, love and miss you all!!!


Dan White - An unexpected gift...

So listen to this...

I travel 6,000 thousand miles thinking I'll be free of the little critters, and then Christmas morning I wake up to find a trail of begbug bites all across my chest! Man, bugger that!!! Next i'll be finding mice... don't joke dan.

Well, have a Proper Chrimbo and an extraordinary New Year.

Bo Selecta Christmas!

Dan White x


Linsey's Thoughts...

I miss you all very much. I'm looking forward to tomorrow because I'll be thinking and praying for you all as you spend Christmas with friends and family. There will be some people at Steve and Danielle's tomorrow evening if you want to call and talk to your fellow Holies that are still here in Vancouver to wish them a Holy Christmas. I pray that the LORD will truely bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you as you are enjoying this time of rest. Be blessed and remember to stand on His promises for you. Know that He sings over you and loves you all very much. I love and miss you all. A-Dios Linsey

rain drops are falling on my head

hello all! its christmas eve and my huge family just left our small house. it was alright. i was a little bored, like i normally am at family functions. try explaining what we do ten times over and over again (i'm sure you all went through the same thing). they think i'm pretty wierd . . . that hasn't changed! a couple of my family members have been around the part of town where we are and they were scared. makes me feel like david or something. anyway. i have been "home" for 8 days but i have been at my parents house only since thursday morning. my friend kim gave me the keys to her apartment while she's in phoenix so i have been spending some down time at ther place.
funny story . . . i was sleeping in my parents computer room/guest room last night and i woke up at 2 a.m. with water dripping on me but i was too tired to even think about where the water was coming from, so i passed out again. then at 3 i woke up in a pile of water on my pillow (actually, ashley's pillow that she left at my house - thanks ash!) and all this water madly dripping on my face, so i went to the kitchen and got a big pot to catch the water. then i contemplated just falling back asleep on the other side of the mattress, but decided that my big sisters room would be best (nice, comfy, big, warm and DRY bed) turns out, if you haven't put it together yet, that the water is coming from the sunroof thingy in the room. it poured last night! oh, yes, andy, it rains like crazy in seattle, but you haven't seen it at it's worst, you just wait! why haven't we gotten together yet andy and darren!?! well, i'll see ya bothe at church tomorrow!
so . . . i do miss you all like crazy!!! i really am excited to get home. see ya'll in a week (or two)!



Merry Christmas To All

Okay so if I had the time and the free minutes on my phone I would call each and everyone of you up and tell you how much I miss you and that I hope you haveing fun. However that is not a possibility right now. So I would just like to say that I really do miss each of you and I hope that you have an amazing Christmas and New Years Day. I love you guys so much and I can't wait to see you all in the new year. (Jill, I can't sleep without you!!!)
Grace and Blessings - MJ (Jenea)

This is Mia!!


I thank God that I have gotten to know each and everyone of you ( for those of you i do know and for the rest I pray that we get to know each other more )You guys rock!
This is the scripture the martyr session prayed over one another before the christmas break and this is my prayer to you.
I pray that as most of you are away that you will make every effot to keep the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace.
I pray that you all enjoy your time away as a precious time of rest in the Lord. Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

Love you all!
Blessings, Mia

Good news on Guadalajara

OK...so, i have been inspired this past week to continue on in my stories about Guadalajara the Mexican Penguin. For those of you who have no idea what i am talking about...you will soon so don't worry!

So, be looking and highly anticipating the return of our Favorite Mexican buddy (other than Juan of course!)

But besides that...I really miss everyone! Can't wait to see you all in January. Have a Very Merry, Incredibly Blessed, Flippin Awesome Christmas!

Much Love-


Philip Blogs Mindless Words

Hello all ye who are part of the Holy Session. Christmas Break has been fun. Considering I got all these bed bug bites all over my arms and neck. It looks like I've got the chicken pox. Can't say I've had all of these amazing experiences that everyone else is having, lest the trip to Gibsons that R.B. already wrote about. SO I thought maybe I'd make up a story and make it so outrageous that no one would believe it, but I decided against it. So some things I've learned while everyone has been away.

* You can make Sarvesh believe anything (Back To The Future is based on a true story)

* Never go to a political convention just for the free meal

* Don't use a blanket from a bed that has bed bugs on it

* Anthony and I working together as Co-Heros is much better than us being Arch Rivals

My mind just can't think of anymore. Someone help me please. I need all the help that I can get.

I pray that all of you are doing well and I can't wait for you all to return. I hope everyone is keeping up with their rations and devotions.


made you smile

Image hosted by Photobucket.com
sorry, thought this was funny...kir


Whats up studs?
Im glad to hear from you guys and to know that you are well. Darren and I are ok, although it rains over here, WHY DIDNT ANYONE TELL ME??? But thats ok, its still kool. We are having fun, and i got another stamp on my passport, YAYAYAY!!! So, im excited about the new year and about seeing you all.
Darren is cooking me dinner, he told me to say that, THANKS DARREN!!!

Bless and Be Blessed
Be renewed

Hey from the J

Hey guys,

So I am reading over all the blogs and I am like ahhhhh I miss you guys so much, it sounds like you guys are having a blast!
Been having fun here, funny, I have actually got sick because I have been staying up late and getting like 5-6hrs sleep! BUT ITS BEEN SOOOOOOO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!
We had kneedrill last night and I was thinking of you guys! We have been praying for you all. I agree with the others though, can't wait till January, it is way to quite around here, I am running out of my reserves of loudness!

Love you guys
Merry Christmas!


phil & I crazy adventure on tuesday&wedensday

This adventure started at 9:30 when me and Phil met in the front of the Shalon hotel. We walk up to Granville and wait for a couple of minutes for the bus that will take us to the destination of the ferry terminal to get to Gibsons. We got to the ferry terminal, got our tickets and waited in the waiting room for a few mins and got on the ferry, read the newspapers and just wait until the ferry got to the Langale terminal. Got a voicemail from my mom and she said she is on her way but will be a few mins. She got there finally and we went up to sechelt for a political luncheon but it was more a snack than a lunch. There was a beach outside the restaurant and it reminded phil's as home and the luncheon was boring so we check out the beach, it was nice. We went to my favorite restaurant, cafe amigo for some Mexican food which was good, then we met up with my mom and we went to the Lind house to check it out and gave Gwen an angel and she put in the perfect spot and just chill out there for a bit, relaxing and checking out the Christmas decorations, it was so gorgeous, how I love that place :) went back to gibsons and got my dog and we went to my elementary school and I showed him which classrooms I went to, it was fun. We got back to my house and we were on time because my mom need to pick up some people for the dinner so she was going to take us early to save a place which we were fine with, my mom received a phone call from our aunt and it was one of the phone call that you had to take so we got drop off at the place where the shuttle bus was supposed to pick people up but we got there late so the bus was gone already but my parents had to go and pick up people so they told us to get out and wait for the bus that wasn't coming for 45 mins until my dad and my sister came and got us. Finally got to the dinner was good of course, it always is, sang some Christmas carols and got presents which is always fun. We dropped off Phil at my mom friend's place and I felt horribly to do that to him but it was out of my control so meh. Went home and went to bed, got up this morning, went and pick Phil up to take him out to breakfast with my mom which was great, took him to the sunshine coast community church to allow him to see it and took him to the ferry and waited with him until he got on the ferry. It was crazy but fun but it was definality not the way I vision it but meh what can you do?
posse out
Rebekah in Gibsons

Crystal loves you all very much!!!!

So far Toronto has been good to me. I looovvvveeee the snow!!!!!! Even if it is freezing! The Ivany's are great of course!! I had lots of good food since being here. The house is toasty and warm and my bed is ever so comfortable. Its definetly going to be hard to go back to the Down Town East Side after these next couple of weeks in terms of comfort. Tomarrow I get to go to the inner city. We're going to the mall. And I get to ride on the subway!!!!! Something I've wanted to do my whole life. I miss each and everyone of you so dearly!!!I have a message for each of you:
Andy- I hope and pray your time in Seatle will be amazing! Enjoy my country and my sister state.
Darren- I also hope you have a wonderful and refreshing time with your family. I'm ever so glad that you caught your bus. God really worked that out.
Dan- Keep on enjoying your family. I'm glad you've had time with your little brother. Draw near to God and he'll draw near to you. Just be a light and an example to your buddies and family. I loved talking to you on the phone that was great!!
Olivia- I'm so glad your getting this much needed time with your family especially your mom. I pray that God continues to richly bless you and your family.
Denise- I wish I could have been there to see the look on your nephews face when he saw you. What was his reaction? Be spontanious and go make that snow angel. Use your neice and nephew as an excuse. No one will ever know. Hope the cookies were good.
Katie- My dear little katie, I loved talking to your life on the phone the other night. I hope your having an awesome time with Tom at all your parties and stuff. Are you good and spoiled yet?
Linsay- I pray you have a great time with Yahweh on Christmas! He's the ultimate person to spend it with. Be blessed.
Rebekah- I pray your have a great time with your family. Don't have too much fun without us now! I pray that your totaly rested when you come back!
Beracah- I haven't seen your life in over a week now and it feels like forever. Have an amazing Christmas. I'm so glad you get this specail time with your family.
Nicole-Have a blessed time with your mom and other family. Don't get discouraged just keep praying and stay in the word. He will guide you.
Jeni- I pray that in your different little travels over break that you will have a great time and get well rested and relaxed. I hope the time with your family will be nice.
Tara- I feel so blessed to hear your voice on the phone earlier. Thanks for that. I pray purity and deep satisfaction in Jesus for you over the break. Jesus has you where he wants right now. Let him use you. Be blesssed as you bless others this Christmas.
Kath- I hope your having some great God time right now. I pray that you will be surrounded by love this Christmas. Thanks for being my friend, your a good one.
Kirsten- I'm so happy and blessed that you brought me to your house this Christmas. I'm having a great time! Thank you alot for sharing your life with me. I'm praying that you get better.
Jaycintha- I felt great joy when I got to talk to you earlier. I'm so happy that you are having a great time. I pray that this will be a very special Christmas for you and that you will make the memories of a lifetime.
Rebekah- I hope your having the best time ever in Seattle with your family! Continue to be a light to all those around you. I pray that God will help you to know what to say and how to act to those who are weaker around you.
Joshua- I hope your having a great North American Christmas. I pray that your getting lots of rest and having way too much fun! Thanks for the card.
Joe- I just want to thankyou alot for creating this blogg. Tell Stephanie that I said hi and to come back soon! I pray that God will really use you to help be a witness to your family and friends back home. I hope you have a very west Christmas!!
Phil- I hope your having tons of fun with Jaycitha and the boys. I pray that you won't be missing your family too much but be comforted by the family that you have around you!
Mathew- I'm glad to hear such joy comming from your way. I hope I get to see you in a couple of days. I will be so pleased to see a baby faced Mathew! Hint, hint
Juan- I'm glad that you get to be around to bring your cheer to everyone there. And i'm sure you are. I pray that you Have a super fun holiday. Are you preparing any special Mexican dishes for Christmas?
Craig- I hope your having the best time ever in Florda. I pray that you have a very relaxing holiday and that your ready to move full steam when you get back. I hope you are getting lots of time with Eve.
Joel- I'm glad your getting rest there. I hope its nice and warm. I pray that you have breathe taking encounters with God. Thanks for the encouraging reminder to stay focused.
Anthony&Andrea- Bless you for looking after the War Room during the holidays. You are real gems. I pray that your love for your creator will deepen and that it will strengthen your relationship with each other. Your both such a blessing.
Andrew&Kirsty- I'm so glad that you have each other again. God is good. Your doing a great job with kettles. Thankyou for taking that on. You will be abundantly blessed for your hard work.
Jill- I pray that the Lord is emparting his peace and joy in you during this time. Your so brave! And the Lord is with you. Just keep listening to what he says about you and not man.
Jena- I can already tell that your making some fantastic memories down in Texas. I hope the wheather is delightful for you. May God keep on filling you with his deep joy.
Melissa- I'm so excited about all the fun things you are doing.I love chatting with you on the phone. Your going to have an enourmous amount of fun in Miami. You get the beautiful snow and the dreamy sun. How marvelous!!!
Ashlee- I'm glad to hear that you've had such a good time already at home. keep on diving into the word and continue to be renewed in him each day.
Regan- I hope your holidays are amazing. I pray that God will be in each and every word you speak and in every action that you take he will be rightfully represented!
Xander- I hope your have ever so much fun in Swcatuan! I hope your Christmas is white and wonderful. Be blessed little Xander!
White Family- I pray you have a wonderful time with all the different friends and family that you are blessed with this holiday. May the Lord continue to guide you and bless each one of you.
Evans Family- I also pray that with whatever festivities that go on during your Christmas that people will see Christ in your family. Thankyou for being caring and concerned leaders.
Peters Family- My prayer for you is that the love of Christ will intimately bind you all together. I pray for a revaltion of his love for your life. The Lord dearly loves you!
Courtlands- I feel so blessed to be under your leadership. I'm thankful that you are so intricately close to Christ and that we , as a session, can draw from that. I pray your holiday is replenishing.
Jonathon B.- I hope your time in that big ol' house is incredible!! It's so generous of you to share your blessings with others. Have an awesome time!
I'm enjoying every day of my break but my heart bounces at the thought of seeing you all again. I love each one of you dearly and Kirsten and I pray for every single one of you and your lives! I can't wait to see you all again! This will be my first experience I think of a true family reuion in January! Have a happy and blessed Friday! Eve of Christmas Eve.

(I appologize for all the speling mistakes)

Well DONE! from Jonathan

Guys, I'm so proud of you. Thanks for keeping us up to date... My heart longs for Jan 4th when I get to see you all together again. We have had fun in your absence. We had the kettle party! I had people over last night. We've been holding out on the War Room [last nights 11- 2 just flew!]. Kirsty and Andrew are doing the best with what they have on kettles. Be assured we miss you and are praying for your spiritual charge while you're gone. Merry Incarnation and thanks Joe for the idea and to everyone who posted and has read! PTL!


Hello Holy Session!
I miss you :( Things are great in the T-dot. I had to make an emergency doctor's appointment for this afternoon because my health has taken a turn for the worst (persistant prayers my friends), but despite my ailments I am really enjoying some restful times.
Crystal and I have been praying for each of you by name each day, so be encouraged. We spend extra time praying for those of you who are going back to homes where there are struggles (unsaved families etc.)
Oh man, my Crystal Myer's quote book is filling up. What a riot. To share a few...

We were in the dentist office waiting room and I quietly whispered to Crystal about my cold sores, to which she loudly exclaimed "Don't worry Kirsten, my mom has herpes too!"...I just about died. Thank the Lord I only have to go to the dentist once a year.
"It's pretty much the exact same thing, but it's opposite"
"I am bigger than him in every single way....well, except for the fact that he's a lot taller than me"
"Captain Gord...Wait - Gord! Like a real gourd!!"

Oh Crystal.
Love you guys!
Kir xox (I don't want to take up too much space so if you want to read up more K-thoughts


Denise is cold!

So while it was 14+ in Vancouver, it was -14 in Toronto today. That's not too crazy cold, but after Vancouver weather...aaaggghh! And Toronto has about as much snow as Montreal - though I haven't been toboganing(wrong spelling!) yet!
Things in Toronto are pretty good. I surprised my mom with my arrival - it was pretty funny considering she was asleep and thought I was my sister when I woke her up! I then surprised my niece and nephew and that was tons of fun. Things since arriving have been very chill and its SO nice to sleep in!
Yesterday I spent ALL afternoon making and decorating cookies with my friend Kim. Some of them were pretty funky, let me tell you! It was so much fun.
Melissa, have fun with the pies - and remember, baking is nothing like cooking!! If you can be a good cook by the end of the year(that's the plan, remember) than you can totally be a baker by the end of Christmas!! heehee!

Joel, I want to thank you for your reminder. Man, did I need it. I came home thinking that I would be totally fine with keeping up with God, but that hasn't been the case. So a HUGE hug goes to you for the reminder.
Before starting my rations this morning I put in a Harry Connick Jr. Christmas CD. Why? Because I love HCjr! I then proceeded into the sitting room to do my reading.
Looking out at the sunny, snow covered street was so beautiful. As much as I dislike the cold(and it is cold here!), I love the snow! Makes me want to bundle up and make snow angels! But I digress...
It me the the first four songs on the cd to finish my alloted 4 chapters for this morning(well, it was really afternoon - I LOVE sleeping in!). As I finished, I found myself saying "Amen" to the words of song #4. I have heard this album many time before, but this morning my spiritual ears were open where they had been closed before. The words to the song are beautiful and sounded like a prayer going up from HCjr to God. And from me to God.

The Blessed Dawn Of Christmas Day
The blessed dawn of Christmas day
As honestly as children pray
The warmth that melts the eve away
The holiness of alpenglow

I rose to join the glorious morn
Whose calm and slepndor would adorn
The virgin mother's infant born
The blessed dawn of Christmas day

I pray one day my heart will see
The light of God's eternity
And know that Jesus died for me
Now close, my eyes
So I may rise
At blessed dawn of Christmas day.


Report from Vancouver (Tara misses y'all like mad)...

Hey guys,
I'm impressed how many posts there have been already. I am loving it. It is currently raining here in Vancouver and was a balmy 14C today. Shovelling snow is for the birds.

Things are really quiet around the Shaldon and that's not much fun. Linsey and I move in to Q2 tomorrow but everyday I'm finding out more and more students are defecting from a ghetto Christmas and are taking up the offers of hospitality in the suburbs instead. So it looks like it will be a cozy Christmas with Juan, Jacynta and me filling our faces with shrimp rings and Candy cane ice cream. Yum!

Things have been pretty good at work lately except I did slip on some water by the dishpit yesterday while carrying a full container of curry mayo so that wasn't fun. Did some kettles on Monday with Xander and followed the brass band up and down Robson with the kettle in the rain. Good times.

It's good to hear from everyone...roll on January though. It's just too quiet around here.

Melissa in Montreal

Hi guys,
Its been really great being back in my beautiful snowy Montreal. They had a snowstorm the day before I got here with exactly 41cm in less then a day. For you snow rookies this is a lot of snow, a foot and a half and was the second largest snowfall in history!! So it was quite a storm and came just in time for me to go toboganning with some friends Monday night. Tons of fun but my body's paying for it, I wiped out so many times and also managed to get hit and knocked down twice! I'll remember to keep my head up next time.
Well its cold enough here so the rinks are frozen and so I've rounded up some friends for some hockey on Friday! With a few other traditions my Canadian Christmas will be complete!
Its been great hanging out with my friends and family. My grandma is visiting and we made plans to bake like 6 pies tomorrow morning together. Or should I say she'll be doing all the baking and I'll just eat the dough and maybe do some stirring. (Denise could probably confirm this since she's seen my cooking skills) But anyhow we'll be doing it together and thats what counts.
I hope everyone else is enjoying their break and resting up like crazy. I miss you guys! Merry Christmas!
PS This is the first time I've ever blogged guys, I'm excited!!

Dan White - Love London

Took a while to catch on but finally up to speed with the H-blog now.

So it's cool how i get to blog b4 y'all wake up. Probably right now Andy's makin deligtful bed noises, n juan's on his 3am nightly trip to the war room and, well alive and kicking on a crisp wednesday morning in sweet old London.

Grace that I got over J-lag straight away. Slept like a baby 3 nights on trot. Man, it's great. I sleep in peace and quite. No Raymond racket (neighbour) or Bi-polar explosions. O how i miss electric guitar heavy rock death music at 3 in the morning. mayb i'll join juan at 3 in the war room for his rations next term?

Life in London isn't too cold. Up in Covent Garden monday night out with lads and lasses from uni. Hit Henry's bar and had some pukka meal and drinks. Slight contrast to Eastside. Down the pub last night for cell group. Was funny. Got 'em going on our hot topics 'women' and 'salvation'. Man, it was funny to see contrast on different dynamics. All good.

So i get back, one best mate is in Chicago, the other went to Belguim this morning. Cheek of it. I feel violated. Jokes, I got my little bruv Jord to keep me company. He's 7 and he's near Sarv Joshua's height (no offense big man). I live in the land of Giants here. We're off to driving range or footie or somethin to burn off harbourlight calories.

Thought for your day

There are two kinds of pedestrians -- the quick and the dead

Joel's Christmas fun

So after a couple of days with friendsis Seattle, I've arrived in California. Right now I'm holding a small shih tzu puppy and my mom is watching a humor-lacking Jay Leno. Today I've enjoyed sleeping in until 4:00 pm, now changing out of my pajamas, eating a steak dinner, having coldstone icecream, then enjoying chips and salsa over Barbara Walters asking people what Heaven was. It was interesting when she questioned the Islamic leader what he believed, the satelite cut out. Hmmm.....

I'm probably going to be doing a lot of nothing over the break, so pray I'll not be too idle, but take advantage of the time given to me to press in to devotion and homework.

Word of encouragement- check yourself. Are you being idle? Are you neglecting to doing the right thing? How much time are you devoting to the Lord? So far my available time has gone up and time in prayer and Bible study have gone down. Prayer and the Bible are the foundations of Christian living. Without these two, the enemy can easily confuse and mislead. We also loose closeness with the Lord when we neglect to meet with Him, just like any other person. If you neglect to talk to me, you won't know me or be as close to me as you were when you did talk to me all the time. So there it is- keep meeting with Him. Pray that I will too. Thanks!


The Break Continues

So - as the break has now become, what three four days? I can see huge changes in my family, my friends, even my cats...it's kinda depressing...but hey, it's ok. I can live with it for now. Mary is down for a couple of days which is nice...it's also nice to be able to sleep in until 12 pm without getting a bonus blessing! And I have officially decided that SNOW SUCKS! So cold...so wet...so miserable...shovelling sucks too!
Anyways...I miss all you guys A LOT more than I thought I would. I saw Rob, Heather, Josh, Jenn, Ian and Elanie on Sunday and they all send blessings to each and every one of you for Christmas! So be blessed...or else! haha
Ps. Joshua: if you still want my cell number it is 604-561-Do-It (3648)

KiR & Crystal

Quick little note to say that Crystal and I are safe and sound in Toronto. Woohoo!
I love introducing Crystal to everyone here. What a blessing.
She is being wowed by all the big buildings here in Canada's New York City.
I didn't cry when I saw my parents, but I did burst into tears when I saw Josh (lil bro)'s new picture on the wall. (Olivia - thanks for the props on waterworks)

Crystal and I read through James together this morning and are going to a bible study tonight.

Crystal Myer's quote of the day "I just really like pray the bible, it's just that I don't like it."

Will write more later...

Cystal says: I just love you all a lot and miss you all SO much. Olivia, I am proud of you!! Katie & Denise I am glad you made it and can't wait to see you. WE REALLY LOVE THE SNOW HERE!!!

a deep well--- liv

so as i landed in Newark, NJ my eyes began to fill up with tears.
then my parents were there in the airport to pick me up...once i saw them i started to weep.

we happily chatted all the way home, but once i stepped into my house i started to cry....again.

mom and i stayed up talking until 3am (only midnight Vancouver time)-- praise the Lord, it's what i've been wanting for so long. it was beautiful.
and: Hallelujah! i confessed to her the things that i needed to confess in order to be healed (as Jonathan Evans said, "we confess to God to be saved, we confess to eachother to be healed.")
then we cried together (of course!), prayed together, and then chatted and giggled together as i filled her in on various humorous War college anecdotes.

when i got into my bed that night, i started to cry-- for the 4th or 5th time that day.
i think i may be turning into a real Kirsten Ivany.

did anyone else find their journey "home" (what is my home anyway?) to be quite an emotional trip?



Florida's suppose to be sunshiney and warm! WTC?

there i was...sitting in seat 18 f, looking at my lovely land of florida, anxiously awaiting it's warmth and brightness...Ha! God, your one funny Divine Person! not only was it 50 degress (farenheit) but, it was also raining!!!!! so, a little bit of sunshine left my heart at that moment....but then i realized it was all going to be ok because i was about to see my dear ol family. which i did....only after tripping in front of the whole flippin airport. i swear things like that only happen either to me or in the movies....seriously...who does that stuff?

i am glad to be home though. the parents are wonderful and the little brother isn't so little...but what's new!

and i managed to snag a couple of flippin sweet free presents for some people....so they should be particularly excited right now!

Off to sleep...Goodnight to everyone!


Jenea's CrAzY Ride Home

I didn't actually write this as a blog but I hate sitting in front of a computer forever. I do like that I can cut and past though...K...I love and miss you All...

So, my flights went fine, until I got to Houston. I was supposed to get onto a plain to Dallas but I only had two hours in between flights and I had to get my luggage and then check in to the other airlines to get on the plain. So I waited in line for an hour and a half. By the time I got to the front of the line it was already departure time do I knew I wasn't going to make it on time before the plain left. So once I got to the desk I explained everything to the desk clerk and she told me it was fine because the flight had been canceled. The next plain out to Houston wasn't until the next day in the afternoon. So I called my mom and she said it would be faster if she just came and got me so she did. While I was waiting I stared feeling so "depressed." I was already sick before I left and I was soooo hungry because I didn't have anything to eat, my ear was hurting from the flight (it still hasn't popped yet) and I was so sad about waiting in the airport for four hours and all alone. So finally after about fifteen minutes of sulking I realized that it was getting to me already. SO then I thought about how privileged I was to able to+ sit in a nice warm place and wait for the arrival of my family. As opposed to lingering around on the cold streets with no where to go and with no one looking for me. And really I didn't feel that sick, my nose was runny (still is) and I was coughing (still am) but at least I didn't have a killer head ache or something. So first I thought I would try to get something to eat, then I realized that all of the restaurants were past the gates that you can only go through if you are getting on a plane. And besides that it was almost mid-night so everything was closed. The only thing around was vending machines. I was at first pretty crabby about the fact that I couldn't get any really food to eat but then I thought of cool this was that I actually was getting to eat dinner out of a vending machine and how many days I would prefer that over what we get at Harbor Light. So once I figured out the "airport combat" wouldn't work because the place was empty I found a nice spot under the escalator and laid down. I listened to my CD player and read my bible. Oh I was also upset before because I had to carry around my bag, which was really heavy, then I thought of how blessed I was to have all of the stuff that I had. So finally my parents got there and they were so happy to see me. The took pictures of me as they pulled up and I walked towards the car. (How nice!!!)

D - home sweet home!

I am home, that's right!! Its 3:15am and I can't sleep(its only midnight in Vancouver!). I am basically going to copy out what I wrote in my journal on the plane because I can't actually think right now!

I'm on the plane headed home for Christmas. My flight was delayed by about 30 minutes, so I am assuming that we won't land in Toronto until about 1:30am - which means at least 2:45 before I get back to Kim's...YIKES!
Today was a good day. Definitely fitting for my last day in Vancouver before the holidays.
This morning I went to New Westminster Corps with Greg, Joshua and Jaunito(after dropping Olivia and Katie off at the airport). Church was nice and I believe it is the first time I've been to an actual Corps service in months!! But I think that the 3 of us may head out there more regularly. Lisa(CO)also mentioned that if we can't get bus passes from TWC that they would be willing to provide them - sweet stuff! After church we, plus Corey, headed off to IHOP for lunch. I felt almost normal!! If there is such a thing as normal anymore.
We headed back into the city, dropped J&J off at the thrift store and headed back to the Shaldon so I could finish my packing - which took me all of 5 minutes! - seriously, I only brought one small suitcase home. I'm so proud of me! - Along the way Andy Mac came to my door and he agreed to come to the airport with Greg and I(thanks Andy!). I always love when Andy's around - adventures are always fun with him! Love you Andy Mac!!!
On the way to the airport I called my mom and we talked about the holidays. She asked where I was going(at that exact moment) so I told her the airport to drop people off - heehee - Its a good thing she wasn't really listening intently because Greg piped up yelling "to drop Denise off!" I hit him and Andy laughed - although in Greg's defense, I don't think that I ever mentioned to him that my going home was a surprise to my mom. I'll apologize to G later!
It was really difficult to keep it from her because she kept saying "if I had the money to bring you home, I would." There was a sadness in her voice - it was hard not to spill the beans.
My friend Kim was at the airport to get me, along with David's(some of you will know that name)younger brother Bryan who agreed to drive with Kim and keep her company since I was getting in so late. With my flight being 30 minutes late, they apparently had lots of fun fooling around with the cart and riding super slow escalators in the new airport terminal! Did you know that if you stand on one of those moving sidewalks with a cart(which isn't supposed to go on it in the first place)and the brake on the cart will start to spin?! The things you learn early in the morning at the airport! Good times!

So yeah...that's all I'm gonna share =) Its now 3:30 and I am heading to bed(it looks SO comfy!). I'll let you know how surprising my family goes!




Alright, so wore my uniform onto the plane for the ride home...yay for being pure blood Salvos! Anyways, this guy in the terminal stopped me and was like: Salvation Army? My Daughter is the corps officer in Melford, Sasketchewan. His name was Rock, and we got talking for awhile and it was really cool, and then I got to evangilize to the guy sitting next to me on the plane.
Anyways, I survived...and I'm thinking that the beard might come off anyday now.

car trouble in paradise

couple things have happened since i've been home. hung out with my good friends friday night and went home at 2 a.m to wake up at 8 to take craig to the airport. well, we were on our way and we just passed the dearborn street exit when my car just stopped going. it was decelerating at rapid speeds. so, i pulled over tho the side of the road, not knowing what to do and worrying a bit about how craig was going to get to the airport. Gods favor was upon me as for every prayer i prayed was answered. oil, police officer (who didn't ask for registration or insurance), a phone call to two people (kim to take craig to airport and home to have dad come pick me up), no state patrol showed up and my car wasn't towed while my dad drove me home to pick up and cash my $100 dhq check. well, we prayed for an instant healing of my car, that obviously didn't happen, but it is in the process of being healed. we got it towed for $60 and it is now downtown in my dads friends shop, to be looked at tomorrow.

so, i don't know whats wrong with my car, but i know that God will take care of me. while my dad was driving me around i started to worry and i had tears in my eyes, but God kept saying "i'm taking care of it rebekha" and i knew that but apologized for my unbelief.

so, God is good. He has provided. it's a good hing that darren and jeni don't need a ride from canada tomorrow because i won't be there!

if you feel like praying for me, please do. that nothing major would be wrong with my car and that it won't cost too much money to fix because i have a total of $40. that won't buy me nothing. please pray that Gods favor would still be upon me. thank you all! merry christmas!


Article on Stephen Ist Class(Sarvesh)

Dear Friends,

So Last class of Stephan was fantastic class and brings great blessing for all of us. As we learn about the Multiplication so in my Life I have seen many Pastors and Church leaders those who loves their Chairs in the Church and they never tried to use their Church leaders or in other means Church Beleivers. So lord has given us the commandment to all of us in Mark 16:15 that " And then he told them, "Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere." this command is not only for Pastors but its for all who believes in the Lord.

And I have also seen thess Churches that they never grows up and they are still have same number of Beleivers which they had in the Begining and some of them had went to away from Church and the Pastor allwasy blame to other sources but the actual thing is that their is not Fault in another’s things but the main reason for that is the Pastor Which is not using Church Believers.

So We all here to multyply the Kingdom Of God on the earth so I encourage all thsoe who believes in the Christ and that they will stand up and share the Gospel (Goodnews)of Christ from right now don't love your chairs but try to use yours Leaders from the church because the Bible says that in Luke 10:2 He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.

So don't waist your time!



Joe the West

i just thought, since there will probably be a lot of different posts, in the title just put your name there, and it will be easier to sift through blogs. love in christ

Joe the West

One more day of classes!

What up gospel gangters? I figured this might be a really really good way to stay connected over our Holy Incarnation brizzake. So I exhort you guys to blog frequently 'cause i freakin' want to know how you are doing. and i love you.... So yeah, happy blogging! I've emailed you all the username and password so you can post. farewell

Joe the West
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