Last night i was cleaning my room (see rubbed off on me!!) and i was taking down a lot of stuff on this bulleting board thingy i have. But i couldn't firgure out what to put in it's place so i thought, eh i'll just take down the bulletin board. But then, i stumbled across this box i had in vancouver where i kept all the encouraging notes i had recieved. So, i opened it and went through them all. Joy filled my heart!!
So, i spent last night putting them up next to my bed and running through memories in my head.
Some of my favorite ones:
Juanito wrote on a piece of gum wrapper and gave it to me in class when i was feeling down...he knows what he wrote...and it made my day!
Kirsten's note on the back of a starbucks receipt talking about how she had "bowel movements" during the Vernon trip.
Phil's valentine card.
All of nicoles amazing letters!
My secret prayer partner from the beginning of the year's letters.
My piece of paper that said Denise was my prayer partner...anonamyous prayer partner at that!
The notebook i wrote in when i fasted speech and all the innappropriate words a certain mr. Champ wrote in there.
And of course, all the ones from the holy space where we encouraged each other.
You guys are rediculously amazing! Much love! ( and you all have amazing faces)